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(⚠️Warning: Mentions of PTSD and phantom pain⚠️)

Hanging up all the clothes they ended up buying me took a little over half an hour, though I guess extensively organizing every single piece of clothing into the barely used space probably made the process go by much slower. It was rather peaceful to focus on such a mundane task, and I found myself humming softly as I finished up the last couple articles of clothing.

The sun had already begun to set by the time we made it back, the chill air being an unexpected treat in late August. Of course, having spent so long in the computer store certainly ate away at the time, but neither Chan nor I had the heart to drag Seungmin away from his happy place until the very last minute.

Shopping for a computer had been a lot less entertaining than buying clothes, because while Seungmin was usually rather good at dumbing things down, as soon as he had stepped into the electronics store, everything unrelated to technology became obsolete to him. He immediately began to ramble off words I originally thought were from a language I didn't speak, but after a few seconds of life questioning confusion, I had concluded I was simply too dumb to understand what he was saying.

Chan on the other hand didn't seem to care whether or not he understood. He asked Seungmin about a lot of different models simply because he knew it would make Seungmin happy. And as soon as Seungmin would start another rant about the pros and cons of each model, Chan would look at him like he hung the stars.

It was sweet, but also something I felt awkward about witnessing. They were the type of close that when they were together, the rest of the world melted away. And unfortunately, I was stuck in the rest of the world. It was cute to watch, though.

I stepped back from my now filled closet with a content sigh, a small smile gracing my lips at the sight. They really had ended up paying for everything, which I made sure to thank them profusely for on the way back, but the clothes were a lot more than an act of goodwill.

Buying me clothes meant they saw me as more than a temporary guest, now. I had been ready to leave from the second I first arrived six weeks ago, always anxious that they would change their mind and send me away. But they wouldn't have bought me an entire wardrobe if they planned on getting rid of me anytime soon.

The thought was rather comforting, the anxiety I wasn't even aware I was still carrying melting from my shoulders as I plopped down on my desk chair. It was a challenge to not break down and smile like an idiot as I continued to stare into my now organized closet.


My head snapped to the side to see Seungmin clutching a bag to his chest, clearly waiting for permission to enter as he loitered near the doorway of my room. I motioned him in as I turned the chair to face him, a warm smile spreading across my lips as he made his way closer.

"How can I help you?"

"I might have gotten you something when you left to use the bathroom at the mall."

I raised a brow, a little surprised I didn't notice the addition sooner. He handed me the bag with obvious trepidation, and I accepted it with a raised brow. "It's not a severed head, is it? Why do you seem so freaked?"

He shuffled awkwardly before huffing and plopping down on my bed, and he began to mess with his hands as he looked at me with apprehension. "I'm not sure how you'll feel about it."

I internally cooed at the sight, not at all used to seeing the puppy look so nervous, but today had been filled with firsts. "I'm certain I'll appreciate it regardless of what it is. I don't get gifts very often, so I'm already thankful. Can I open it?"

The Mafia's Dove (Hyunjin centric)Where stories live. Discover now