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(⚠️Warning: Mentions of sexual assault and murder ⚠️)

-Chan's POV-

I let the door slam closed behind me as I exited the workshop, the scent of blood and piss following me like a pungent cloud. It had taken over an hour for Dae Seong to finally die, though I ensured it was slow and painful, so the long wait Minho had to endure was my own fault.

Even after the pain I made that twisted fuck experience it still didn't feel like enough, and the contents of the tape continued to replay in my mind more vividly than I thought possible. The sound of Hyunjin's sobbing and desperate screams echoed through my head, and the image of his face twisting in pure agony was burned into my mind. Dae Seong made it seem like everything Hyunjin did was of his own free will, but there was no way that he consented to any of that. He wouldn't have fought back so desperately if that was the case.

The fact that so many people participated also meant I had a bigger hit list than I originally thought, but there was no way I would let a single one of them get away with what they had done. They had scarred him for life. Though they were unfortunately not the only ones.

Minho was leaning up against his motorcycle while scrolling on his phone, the light from the device illuminating his blank face when the dim streetlights failed to. He noticed my presence as I continued to approach, and he looked up with a wrinkled brow once I was within smelling distance.

"You smell like shit."

"It's piss, actually."

"Delightful." He pocketed his phone before putting on his helmet, and he tossed the spare towards me before mounting his motorcycle. "If my motorcycle smells like urine because of you, you're buying me a new one."

"That's doable." My voice came out tenser than I intended, and he seemed to notice my still troubled state as he raised a brow.

"An hour of torture wasn't enough for you to vent your anger?"

My jaw clenched, though the action was thankfully hidden as I adorned the spare helmet. "A lifetime of torture wouldn't have been enough. Though I'll get the chance to work longer once I get my hands on the others."

Despite the strong scent he didn't protest as I wrapped my arms around him, and he started the engine before looking at me from over his shoulder. "Others?"

"Dae Seong apparently wasn't the only one who took advantage of Hyunjin's vulnerability."

He revved the engine before pulling out onto the road, and he once again showed his disdain towards traffic laws as he sped with complete disregard. "How many more people are on your list now? And what exactly did they do to him?"

Despite how much Minho seemed to hate Hyunjin, there was a little bit of concern in his voice, though it was well masked with a tone of disinterest. Unfortunately I wouldn't be able to ease his worries, because the truth was probably much worse than what he was expecting. Not that I had any right to tell him. I had expected some fucked up things when I decided to watch the tape, but for something like this? Watching that footage was a much bigger breach of Hyunjin's privacy then I thought it would be. I shouldn't know about something this personal unless Hyunjin was the one who decided to tell me, but it was unfortunately too late for me to forget about what I had seen. The least I could do was make sure others wouldn't learn about it without his permission.

"Five. Though I can't tell you what they did. It isn't my place." I failed miserably at keeping my anger from seeping into my voice, and I breathed in deeply, the scent of blood helping to ease my rage as I was reminded of the mangled corpse I had left behind. I made sure the scene held enough evidence to frame someone else, but once I reported his death to my higher ups, it shouldn't be an issue either way.

The Mafia's Dove (Hyunjin centric)Where stories live. Discover now