Kir Royale

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(⚠️Warning: Murder, attempted murder, suicidal thoughts ⚠️)

Changbin and I separated as soon as we got settled, and while he chose to nurse his drink on one of the navy blue couches in the corner, I stayed seated at the bar as I sipped on a Sazerac. While my dramatic entrance was enough to earn a lot of overly enthusiastic greetings and a few charming smiles, most went back to doing their own thing once I took a seat at the bar.

The upper floor was much nicer than the one below, but the neon lights and slightly too loud music was something one couldn't escape from, even in the restrooms. Of course the music wasn't nearly as loud as the lower levels, so while each song would still cause the speakers to vibrate, it was possible to hear those around you without them having to yell.

The second biggest difference was the furniture, because while the first level only had stools around the bar, the second level had plush navy couches set up, a few booths near the far wall, and of course, the navy cushioned stools that were much more comfortable than the ones below.

I made sure Changbin remained in my line of sight as I drank, though slowly so I wouldn't end up buzzed. Honestly, this night could end up being rather boring. Regardless of whether or not Mr. Chae ends up approaching Changbin, most of my time is going to be spent sitting around doing nothing.

A lot of people had come over to greet me, but unfortunately, most were rather dull. For politicians and businessmen, they sure didn't know how to hold interesting conversations, and I found myself dozing off during most of their failed conversation starters.

Socializing here was something incredibly common, even more so than in normal clubs, because there was no telling the kind of lucrative relations you could make. We kept our identities hidden in most cases, but everyone here was someone with influence. A few faces were rather recognizable because of tv appearances and political campaigns, but most of the patrons tonight were CEOs of companies only recognizable by google searches.

People like them usually only came here to make connections, and while a few had attempted to make me one of those connections, many of the new members avoided giving me more than a second thought. I was too young to be seen as useful, which actually served me well in this case.

Talking to corrupt old men could be entertaining, but definitely not while sober, which is what I was unfortunately forced to be at the moment.

My eyes once again trailed over to Changbin, and I offered a knowing smile when we met eyes. He seemed to be just as bored as I was, and remained alone on the couch. If people didn't want to approach me? Then Changbin, who was dressed much poorer, was hopeless.

I may be well known in the club, but business was business.

"What brings you here?"

Well then, nevermind.

I looked up to see a charming man dressed in a dark red suit smiling down at me, and I returned the smile with an acknowledging nod. He looked to be in his late thirties, which would make him the third youngest person here after me and Changbin.

"The usual. I found myself with too much time on my hands and a thirst for overpriced liquor." I took another sip of my drink before turning my attention back in front of me, and I once again glanced towards Changbin's direction.

While my words weren't meant to be dismissive, they also certainly weren't the invitation this man seemed to take them as, and he took the stool beside me with that charming smile still plastered on his face.

"Yet I see you've only had the one?" I raised a brow before setting down my now almost empty glass, a dismissive chuckle bubbling up past my lips as I eyed him from my peripheral.

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