Kidnapped On A Friday Night

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(Trigger Warning: Torture scenes, suicide attempt, and detailed description of corpses)

-Hyunjin's POV-

The feeling of being watched was an odd one. The unexplainable yet somehow never wrong ability to tell when someone was staring was something I never understood the logic behind, but I recognized the paranoid feeling nonetheless.

I was used to having eyes on me. Being homeless in such a dangerous part of the city wore on you, and I had turned into someone others often noticed but avoided eye contact with. But regardless of this, many still tended to stare when they assumed I wasn't paying attention, and I had learned to brush it off. But these eyes felt different.

The skin on the back of my neck prickled as I quickly recognized the malice behind the gaze of whoever was watching me, the attention feeling more eerie and off putting than that of curious and slightly judgmental civilians.

My stomach curled with the shot of adrenaline that revelation caused, but I remained composed as I continued my walk towards the cardboard structure I called home. Safety wasn't something I was well acquainted with, and I had had plenty of scuffles over the years with those who saw me as an easy target. 

But even after only a few moments I could tell the intent behind the eyes was more than a scuffle, and the red flags only grew when I realized how many directions the feeling was coming from. 

They had me surrounded. That simple act required way more effort than my normal attackers would be willing to put in, and I resisted the urge to look around as doing so would alert my pursuers that I was aware of their presence. I couldn't risk doing that until I could be sure their intent wasn't worse than simply killing me. 

Honestly this could be an opportunity. So far I had failed to kill myself, but if the people following me were armed, then tonight might be the night I was finally put out of my misery. That thought caused my pace to slow, my hesitation behind my lack of knowledge towards their intentions being easily replaced by a giddiness I willed to not leak into my expression.

I had come close to death a few times, but every single danger I was faced with was something I miraculously survived. Reckless drivers were never reckless enough, my knee jerk responses were never slow enough, and my attackers were never content with simply killing me. I had also missed plenty of opportunities because I had to defend myself from something worse than death, but the people who were following me felt different somehow.

More cautious. More meticulous. They had yet to show themselves which showed this wasn't a spur of the moment thing, and they were harder to pinpoint than the usual inexperienced assholes I had gotten used to. 

There was still a risk. I couldn't be sure the people following me intended to kill me, and that could either prove disappointing or devastating. I didn't know their intentions, so simply allowing them to do whatever could end very badly. I wanted a clean death, but not many people were willing to offer that. 

If I made a run for it now then I could lose them, but doing so could mean I miss an opportunity I might not get again. Whatever I did it would be a leap of faith. I would have to make an assumption with very little reason behind it. 

My already slow pace slowed even further as I stopped walking to stand on the almost deserted street, only me and those hiding in the shadows keeping the street from being completely empty. If this was planned, they chose a great location. If it wasn't, they got incredibly lucky.

I took a deep breath before sliding down onto the sidewalk and leaning up against a business building I didn't care enough to read the name of, and slight movement from an alley across the street instantly drew my attention. 

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