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I felt cheated.

While my dorm room was well maintained and well furnished with everything I would need, Chan's dorm was on a whole different level. The room given to him was the equivalent of a medium size apartment, equipped with a bedroom, washroom, living room, and a fully stocked kitchen. And because this was Goyohan Bonguri, the entire dorm was designed and furnished in a similar manner to an old western mansion.

I could only assume this was done because the headmaster took a gamble on this being where we would meet up, and while he was one hundred percent correct, I couldn't help but feel sour. Perhaps living with SKZ for two months had made me spoiled.

The couches were already occupied by most of the others, but because of the limited seating, Chan and Minho ended up on the ground. They seemed unbothered by this, and while Chan had heart eyes as he watched the chaos being caused by those seated on the couch, Minho did the same but with a much more subtle expression of fondness.

Sometimes I forgot just how gentle the second oldest could be, but it was obvious in moments like these that he truly loved his boyfriends. It was only when his gaze landed on me that his expression faltered, but I ignored this as I approached the couch unnoticed. At least by the couch's occupants. Minho and Chan both seemed to notice my intention as I strolled innocently up to the side of the couch, the sound on my footsteps being drowned out by the yelling and laughter being elicited by the members bugging each other.

Han sang a love song with an impressively loud voice, and as he dramatically acted out the words he was singing, Jeongin was covering his ears as he leaned away from him. However, he ended up leaning further into the lap of Changbin, and the older clamped onto him before shaking him, his expression as well as the sounds leaving his lips being something I could only describe as cuteness spawned aggression. Felix and Seungmin were doing . . . something, though from where I stood it looked like they were having a rather heated game of Rock Paper Scissors.

Oh, wait. That would be because that was exactly what they were doing.

But even during all this chaos their laps remained decently free, and I took advantage of that as I climbed over the arm rest before flopping onto them. Some of them yelped, but they all still instinctively caught me as I began to roll off of their laps and towards the floor.

Their arms wrapped around my torso and legs before they finished processing what exactly they had caught, and when I looked up to see Changbin looking down at me with widened eyes, I winked. "Sup. Fancy meeting you here. You come here often? How about I buy you a drink? Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? You bro, nice co-"

"Are you going to list off all of the pick up lines you can think of?"

I shrugged, though because I was still sprawled out across their laps, the motion was small. "Until one of them works? Yes."

As expected his expression became jokingly flirtatious, and he wriggled his brows. "But what if I want you to keep on going?"

A sorrowful sigh left my lips as I slumped against his lap, and I dramatically threw my arm over my eyes. "Sadly, we don't always get what we want in life." I then lowered my arm slightly as I peeked up at him, and I matched his flirty expression before wiggling my own brows. "But for you? I'll do anything."

"Would you guys stop? You're making me nauseous." I looked past Changbin to see Jeongin giving us an unimpressed look, and my expression turned blank as I leaned up slightly and pinched his cheek. He swatted my hand away after a few seconds, though honestly I was surprised he didn't do so sooner, and we all looked over when Chan cleared his throat.

"Should we get started?"

I blinked. "Wait, there's actually a reason you called us all here? I thought you just got lonely."

The Mafia's Dove (Hyunjin centric)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя