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(I'm not dead! 🎉🥳)

-Seungmin's POV-

The main culprit had been taken by the authorities, the deceased had been bagged up and taken to a nearby mortuary, and the headmaster had been alerted of the case being solved. Despite the chaos the night had been filled with, the mission had a rather smooth end, but as our work involved more than the more action packed side of solving a case, the night was still far from over.

Regardless of the obvious exhaustion in everyone's forms we still had work to do, because writing an overview of the night's events would be easier and much more accurate if done while the details were still fresh. The human mind was weak to suggestion and confident assumption, and time had a way of altering minor details that could later prove to be important. So even though sleep sounded heavenly right about now, we had still gathered back at Chan's dorm to write down our individual reports.

Chan would submit them tomorrow morning, so this was thankfully the only step that needed to be tackled before dawn.

This was one of the few times the group was ever quiet in a non-dangerous setting, and as they all focused on their writing, I readjusted my clipboard before doing the same.

Any detail about the night could prove to be important, but as I looked down at the blank sheet of paper, I found myself second guessing just how much I wanted to include. I was a professional, and I wouldn't allow petty emotions to affect the authenticity of my report, but my gut still twisted at the thought of writing down the details of the night's events.

I had been absolutely useless the entire case, though that didn't seem to be a new theme. It seemed every case we had worked for the last couple of months had been riddled with my failures, and regardless of how often Chan reminded me of how normal it was to make mistakes, we couldn't afford such luxuries with our line of work. Mistakes often meant death, and it was by sheer luck that such a fate had been avoided despite my shortcomings.

I had been forced by professional honesty to accurately report my previous failures to our higher ups, and for the sake of brevity, I had refrained from trying to explain what had caused such mistakes. Excuses didn't often interest the government unless they were the ones making them, and even if they would take such cowardice in stride, I couldn't in good conscious attempt to excuse my poor performance.

I had made the mistake of believing Hyunjin was the one responsible for the murders a few months back because I had been fooled into thinking all the evidence had been acquired by my own hard work when in truth it had been fed to me. Though I had felt incredible guilt for involving Hyunjin as well as shame for being so easily tricked, I had eventually accepted Chan's reasoning that slip ups were unavoidable, even for someone of my skill level.

But that was only the beginning of what would be a terrible end to my previously untainted success streak.

It was only thanks to Hyunjin that the Euphoria mission went as smoothly as it did, because without him, we would have never learned that the bottom level of Euphoria was simply a cover for the real establishment. Our mission would have failed before it even began, all because I failed to acquire the correct information. Once again I allowed my concerns to be eased by Hyunjin's reassurances that no one but club members knew of its existence, but when it came to information gathering, I had always been the exception.

I gained access to government files despite the fact that only high tiered government officials had access to it, I managed to solve three different cases that had been declared cold as early as in the 1920's, and for the longest time I thought that as long as there was some kind of technological tie, that nothing was out of my reach. I had apparently thought way too highly of myself, and I only began to realize that when I failed a third time.

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