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"I think it's time we talk about what to do with you."

The others seemed to somehow know when me and Lix were finished eating, because they came in almost as soon as we both set our forks down.

They didn't hesitate to take their seats around the large table, and they all turned to me with curious gazes once they got settled.

My eyes drifted to the man who spoke, and I resisted the urge to awe when I realized how closely he looked to a puppy. Do all of them resemble animals? Lix and Minho both had feline features, this guy looked like a puppy, and the one sitting beside him looked like a fox.

The others had less obvious features, and my eyes widened slightly when I recognized one of their physiques.

A guy sitting two seats down from me had the exact same height and muscle ratio as the man with the white mask from last night.

I was rather relieved they waited until now to speak with me. By now the numbness had completely faded, and the carefree state I was now in felt like a very needed breath of fresh air. It was because of this that I found myself speaking joyfully to my kidnappers.

"Hey! You're white mask guy!" His eyes widened, and he looked at me with a shocked expression.

"How did you know?"

I shrugged, and my eyes lit up with realization as I made eye contact with a squirrel-like guy.

"And you must have been the driver." The table fell silent as they all stared at me, and a satisfied smile graced my features when I realized their silence meant I was right.

"You don't have to look so shocked. It was pretty easy to figure out." I shrugged and leaned back in my chair. Puppy was the first to break the silence, and he adapted a business-like air as he leaned forward.


"I remember white mask was incredibly bulky, and it stood out even more thanks to his short physique." We all ignored Fox snorting in amusement at the short comment, and I continued. "He's the only one here who fits that description. Besides, I never forget muscles."

"And how you recognized Jisung?"

"Is that the driver?" He nodded, and a part of me questioned why they were all so willing to give their names. They may not plan on just letting me go, but it still seemed like an unnecessary risk.

"When we passed by the main room, I saw all of your faces except for Demon mask, White mask, and the driver. Demon mask and White mask are accounted for, so the only person I haven't seen would be him. Of course, that theory only works if this is the entire group, but based on your reactions to my guess, I can assume I got it right. That also means the likelihood of it only being the seven of you is higher than I originally thought."

They all stared at me, and I waited patiently for someone to speak up, only to remember another detail.

"Also, is your name Seungmin?" I made eye contact with the Puppy, and they all stiffened. So, I was right again.


I once again shrugged. "Earlier, Lix was saying something about stopping Seungmin from going all business mode on me, and so far, you're the only one who has a business-like demeanor."

They remained silent and unmoving as I adapted a polite smile. "Nice to meet you, Seungmin."

"Dude, that's freaky." Jisung muttered, and I chuckled slightly.

"I apologize."

"Don't! That was cool. It was like listening to a psychic!" Jisung smiled gleefully before leaning towards me. "Read my fortune!"

The Mafia's Dove (Hyunjin centric)Where stories live. Discover now