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"This isn't right." Felix tugged on the collar of the white suit he had practically forced me into, a frown present on his face as his brows furrowed in thought.

I stayed silent, having learned from the last couple of suits we've tried that my opinion wasn't really appreciated at the moment.

"You look good in white, but is it too much? Perhaps navy blue instead?" He voiced the question despite not wanting me to answer, and I sighed in exasperation when he turned back to the rack of designer suits he had acquired from who knows where.

Jisung had already done hair and makeup for me and Changbin, and while it took him forty minutes for each of us, the final product was worth it. Now all we had to do appearance wise was clothing, which I also didn't get a say in.

Jeongin was apparently in charge of wardrobe on most missions, but because of his . . . distaste for me, Chan asked Felix to do it instead. It seemed Felix was stressing himself out over the new responsibility, because he suddenly became incredibly uptight about all things related to what I was wearing.

He turned back with a simple black suit and I shrugged before beginning to remove the white suit he was previously certain would do the trick. He turned back around as soon as I began to undress, despite the fact that I always kept the white button up on underneath, causing my lips to twitch up slightly from the action.

Thankfully I was able to remove the bandages just recently, and though the scars were still red and tender, the wounds had fully closed. That meant I could get away with unbuttoning a few buttons, and as I finished putting on the black overcoat and slacks, I decided against the tie.


Felix turned back around, eyes widening as he scanned me from head to toe.

"Damn. If only I didn't already have six boyfriends."

"Six of us not enough?"

Felix's eyes widened further, though this time for a different reason, and we both turned to see Seungmin leaning against the doorframe.

"Oh . . . hello honey. Ready for him?" Felix smiled awkwardly, and the younger eyed him with an unamused expression.

"Changbin should be here soon for his own attire. Remember not to dress him in anything too fancy. He's supposed to play the role of Hyunjin's less fortunate friend. Someone the cops will look for, but not someone who will cause too big of a ruckus."

Felix nodded, still rather flustered, and Seungmin turned his attention to me.

"Hyunjin, you're with me. I have some things I need to give you." Then he left, clearly expecting me to follow, and I turned to Felix with a shit eating grin.

"See ya, Lixie."

He huffed, but whatever response he was about to give got cut off as I closed the door behind me. I rushed to join Seungmin's side, a little surprised someone with such short legs could walk so quickly.

"What type of security does Euphoria have other than video surveillance? Metal detectors? X-Ray machines?"

I snorted, matching his quick stride with my normal pace as we made our way towards our sleeping quarters.

"Euphoria is a club, not an airport. There are a few guards posted here and there, but other than the bouncers outside of the elevator, there aren't many screening types of security. Why? Do you think weapons will be necessary?"

"Of course. It's better to be cautious. But, there are a few things I'll be giving you that would also be picked up by metal detectors."

We stopped outside of Suengmin's room, and he pulled out a key before unlocking the door. He pushed it open with an ominous squeak, and I peeked my head in after he entered. The lights flickered on to reveal any gamers dream room, and I blanch slightly at the amount of screens lighting up the messy yet somehow organized space.

The Mafia's Dove (Hyunjin centric)Where stories live. Discover now