Dish Soap

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(This is a super short chapter, but I'm visiting family over the weekend, so if I tried to write a full chapter I wouldn't be able to post it until Tuesday at the earliest. I thought a short chapter was better than nothing, especially with the rather long break I just took. Sorry about that by the way. Anyways, enjoy!)


-Hyunjin's POV-

For some reason Jisung had been adamant about dying my hair first thing in the morning, meaning I still smelled vaguely of hair dye by the time we all sat down for breakfast. Thankfully it was the weekend, meaning the first meal of the day was often later than on weekdays, but that also meant everyone else got to sleep in while I had to wake up at the ass crack of dawn.

But I wasn't exactly new to a lack of sleep, so despite the late night and early morning, I felt no different than how I usually did. Jisung was also surprisingly chipper, though he had become a lot more bubbly as soon as he finished dying my hair red. Apparently the excitement of dying someone's hair was his equivalent to coffee, but he still poured himself a large mug of it before joining the rest of us at the table.

Felix had cooked breakfast this morning, meaning the table was decked out in western food. Bacon, scrambled eggs, and pancakes were dished out around the table as everyone broke into separate conversations, their tones rather quiet as a few members were still groggy from sleeping in.

I plated a few pancakes before topping them off with chopped strawberries, a little impressed by how many options Felix had bothered to prepare for the pancakes alone. He seemed to enjoy cooking breakfast the same way Minho enjoyed cooking dinner, because the effort they put in wasn't a level reachable with any amount of reluctance.

"What are your plans for today?" I looked up from my food to see Changbin looking at me expectantly, and he took a bite of bacon as he waited for my response.

"Breaking and entering. You?" He stopped chewing, his expression frozen before he shook it off and apparently decided it wasn't worth it to be surprised.

"Where are you breaking into? Do you need help?"

I chuckled. "No, I'm just meeting someone. Though now that I think about it, I only know the address of their friend. Hey Seungmin?" I turned to the younger, and he looked over with his chopsticks raised to his lips. He pulled the piece of pancake away from his mouth, his expression attentive. "Any chance you found any information on the pickpocket and his friend?"

He blinked before seemingly realizing what I was talking about. "I'm gonna be honest with you, I completely forgot." He then stuffed his mouth with pancake and turned back to his plate, and I sighed at the awkward dismissal.

"That's alright. I'll just have to ask his friend about it when I break in later."

"Why not knock?"

I snorted, highly amused by Changbin's suggestion. "You think they would let me in?"

"They met him once, which means they already know he's crazy." Minho took a dramatically long sip of his coffee to punctuate his words, and I gestured towards him while my eyes remained locked with Changbin's.

"See? He gets it."

"Just be safe." Apparently Chan was also listening in, and like the daddy leader he was, he decided to be the responsible one. Though whether or not allowing me to break into an innocent's home was considered responsible was debatable.

"That's an unreasonable request."

"Worth a shot."

I deemed the conversation over, so I focused my attention back onto my still untouched food as I picked up a piece of bacon. As expected it was amazing, and I sighed and closed my eyes as a content smile spread across my lips.

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