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A/N: I really appreciate reading everyone's comments. It always makes me more eager to write. Hint hint. Also, this story is now ranked first in hyunjincentric and jeongjin, so that's pretty cool.


-Hyunjin's POV-

Four hours passed before I finally returned, the smell of ash following like a timid yet persistent cloud as I snuck my way back in through the front gate. The others had lost me rather quickly, and though I tried my best to reassure them I wouldn't do anything too stupid before I finally shook them off, they still seemed rather panicked as I disappeared from their sight. I could only hope they trusted me enough to not worry too much.

The sun was setting by the time I was opening the window to my bedroom, the chill air a constant reminder of the fact I left half naked. It would have been smarter to act like I wasn't up to anything so I could get fully dressed before sneaking out, that way I wouldn't have worried them and I wouldn't have had to visit some of my . . . connections, while shirtless. Though from the way they had looked at me, I didn't think they minded. My scars might have been on display, but most of the connections I visited had their hands in some rather shady things, and definitely had numerous scars of their own.

I boosted myself up before swinging my leg through my now opened window, the other leg shortly following as I scooted my way through the opening and onto the plush covers of my bed. I let out a huff of exhaustion as soon as I was safely back in my room, though when I caught sight of Chan sitting at my desk while eyeing me with a serious expression, the "safe" became debatable.

"Where were you? And why do you smell like smoke?"

I smiled playfully as I propped myself up on my elbows, and I rested my head in my hands as I met eyes with the brooding older.

"You know, waiting for me in my room is kind of creepy. What would the pope say?"

He seemed unamused by my lousy attempt at a distraction, and I sighed disappointedly before I began to kick my legs in a frivolous manner. I never knew what to say to Chan when he was like this, because I always found myself feeling guilty at the thought of lying. Even my distraction tactics were lousy when it came to him, because I felt like I was betraying his trust by not being a hundred percent honest. Something about him just made me want to spill everything. But being that honest without giving him a little bit of trouble just wasn't any fun. And I liked to think I was a rather fun person.

However, the truth in this case involved their work and their relations to others, so I guess I should be honest to save them some stress. Heaven knows that Chan had enough of it already.

Besides, they would find out eventually, either from me or the news, so I might as well be the one to tell them what I ended up doing.

I slid off the bed dramatically before walking towards my closet, and Chan watched me intently as I grabbed a random shirt I still hadn't returned to Felix. I had yet to acquire a wardrobe of my own, so for the past six weeks I had been borrowing outfits from the others. I had one outfit Jisung had gifted me a little while back, but I wore it so often that it was rarely ever clean.

Once I was fully dressed I turned back to the Australian with a resigned expression, and I motioned towards my bedroom door.

"Might as well tell you at the same time that I tell the others, because I definitely won't explain it as well the second time around." I began to head towards the hall, and he followed, face still upholding a serious expression.

Chan was usually a rather upbeat, kind person. Even as the leader he would somehow manage to act more childish than the others, and he thrived off of making others amused with his teasing and light hearted banter. Because of this, it was rather jarring to see him so serious, but lately I've seemed to be bringing out the bad sides of a lot of them.

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