Itachi's Worry

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Are you saying that the man named Tobi has the Manegekyo Sharingan? How is that possible? Who is that man?" Tsunade asked. She didn't think Itachi would hide something this important from her since there was no reason to but the existence of an unknown Uchiha that to on the side of the Akatsuki was shocking.

"That man is Madara Uchiha." Itachi said in a low voice but it was more than enough to shake Tsunade to her core.

"Do you even understand what you are saying Itachi? Madara Uchiha died decades ago when he fought my Grandfather. How can he even be alive?" Tsunade asked with an angry expression on her face. Saying that Madara was still alive would be the same as saying Hashirama Senju lied and Tsunade wasn't one to hear her grandfather being insulted.

"It is true. That man is Madara Uchiha and he is the one who helped me slaughter the Uchiha clan that night." Itachi said.

"Why would Madara end the clan that he himself created and then try to destroy the village that he helped to create?" Tsunade asked.

"This was his revenge against the village. Even the 9 tails attack that killed the 4th Hokage and his wife was caused by Madara." Itachi said.

Tsunade didn't say anything for a few seconds and just stood quiet. With a deep breath, she looked at Itachi and said "Why is someone like Madara working under the Akatsuki or is that just an illusion?"

"You are right. The real leader of the Akatsuki is Madara but he has hidden this fact from everyone...even from most of the members of the Akatsuki. If he is the one suggesting this meeting then I think I know what he might be planning." Itachi said as the color of his face started to change.

At first, Tsunade didn't notice this and said "Isn't it clear? He will ask us to hand over the Jinchurikis or else he might let loose the ones that he has already caught. Is there anything else that he can...." Tsunade stopped talking midway as she noticed Itachi worried.

"What's the matter? Is there anything else Madara can achieve?" Tsunade asked with a confused face.

"Right now the only person with the strength to put a stop to his plans is Yami but what if Madara tells him the truth about why I massacred the Uchiha clan? What do you think Yami will do then?" Itachi asked and Tsunade realized how dangerous things really are compared to what she was thinking.

"The truth will be exposed eventually. I don't think there is anything we can do right now to stop this. I just hope whenever this happens, Yami and Sasuke don't blame the village for it. Stop worrying about something that we have no control over. I need you to do something for me." Tsunade said to which Itachi turned his eyes towards her.

Tsunade sighed and said "I need you to keep close eyes on Danzo. I don't want him to make any moves before or during the meeting. Your attack on the Root has kept him busy up until now but this event is too big to ignore. I can't assign this job to anyone else other than you."
Itachi just nodded and stepped toward the window when Tsunade said "Remember Itachi, even though your condition has improved, you can't fight at your peak strength. Don't take any unnecessary risks."

Without looking at Tsuande Itachi said "I just have to live long enough." Tsunade understood what Itachi meant and she was about to scold him but he had already left.

The news about the kidnapping of the clan heirs had reached the ears of the individual clans. There were a few who wanted to take action straightaway but the clan heads managed to control such people. They had made the decision together and they trusted their Hokage.

Hyuga clan (Present time)

" this is what happened. The Akatsuki has grown bolder all these past years and now they want to sit face to face with the Kages." the elder of the Hyuga clan. Hiashi didn't want to cause an uproar in the Hyuga clan so he only told his father about Hinata's abduction.
"Yes, Father. Although I never expected the Akatsuki to make such a move and for Hinata to be used as a hostage, I didn't think that a single member of the Akatsuki would be strong enough to kidnap two whole squads." Hiashi said these words in a straight voice but his eyes looked sad. Being Hiashi's father, how could the elder miss something like this? He placed his hand on Hiashi's shoulder and said "I understand the turmoil you are in Hiashi but in times like these, we can't lose ourselves to such emotions. Have faith in the Hokage and we will get our Hinata back."
Hiashi looked at his father and asked "Have I been too hard on her father? In the past few years, she has progressed a lot with the help of her squad and Neji. But I didn't compliment her even once for this. I was so focused on Hanabi these past few years that I feel I have neglected my Hinata."
The elder patted Hiashi's shoulder and said "I am just as guilty as you Hiashi. Don't tell anyone else in the clan about the kidnapping including Hanabi. Leaving that aside, Yami Uchiha will be coming back to the village in a few days and he might visit us as well regarding the letter he sent us. What are you going to tell him?"
Hiashi took in a deep breath regaining the strictness and demeanor that was missing for the past few minutes and said "I am not going to make any decision until the meeting is over. If he can wait until then, we will talk about this. For now, my focus is the meeting and the Chinoike clan."
"Never would I have thought that a clan like this still existed and the one to bring them outside that hellhole was someone of the same clan that sent them there. What Lady Tsunade said is right, we have to make sure that their loyalty lies with the Hid-den leaf village and not with Yami Uchiha."

"Shikaku Nara will be coming with me as well. I am sure he will be able to handle that issue. I will take my leave now Father." Hiashi said as he got up and left the room.

Hidden Rain village

Nagato who was resting up until now, opened his eyes as he sensed some movement in the main tower.
'Hmm? I only sense Madara...where are the rest of them? Even Konan who went with him isn't here.' Nagato thought as he used his chakra to control the body of Yahilko. At this time Yahiko's lifeless body was sitting on a stone chair. As he opened his eyes he sensed someone walking up toward his room. He wasn't curious since he knew it was Madara himself.
As Tobi entered the room, Pain looked at him and asked "Why have you come alone?"
With his heavy voice, Tobi replied "The opponents turned out to be stronger than we expected so not everyone could come back alive. Kakuzu is dead."

Pain was a little surprised at first when he heard this. He didn't think that someone who had fought with the First Hokage and survived would die to some greenhorns.

"His multiple hearts didn't save him from death?" Pain asked to which Tobi shook his head and said "The 9 tails Jinchuriki has become stronger than we had expected. It would be easy to bring him to heel. He destroyed Kakuzu's multiple hearts with a single jutsu."

"What about Konan? Where is she?" Pain asked a bit restless now but even with his expressionless face, he couldn't hide the worry he felt for his childhood friend.

"She has been taken hostage by the hidden leaf and sand Shinobis. They turned out to be more skilled than I thought." Tobi said. He said it so lightly that it angered Pain a little.

He immediately stood up and took a step forward and said "How could you let this happen? We have to go get her now. We can't leave her in the hands of the Hidden Leaf. We don't know what they will do with her."

"Don't worry Nagato...we have the clan heirs of the Hidden Leaf clans and also the son of the 3rd Hokage. Konan will be safe there and her being their hostage also gives them a false hope of getting the kids back. They will try their best to arrange the meeting." Tobi remarked.

Pain calmed down a little as he heard this. What Tobi said was right but they both knew that the meeting was going to fail. Tobi hadn't even told Pain why he had the meeting held in the first place.

"What is your plan now?" Pain asked as he settled back down on the stone chair.

"I'll drop the hostages off in the underground room. Keep an eye on them. I need to get a hold of Orochimaru before the meeting. We have quite a few impatient Kages in this saying when they would attack." Tobi said as he walked out of the room.

Naruto: Uchiha's Genjutsu Demon Part 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon