A new headache

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I do not own this book all rights go to its original author lazarus898

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Yes it was indeed a good power but the transmigrator got greedy. He didn't have enough mastery to turn his life energy control into law so he tried to do it forcefully through nefarious means. This corrupted his power and completely reversed it."

"So what is his power now? Suck life energy or something?" Yami asked.

The old man shook his head and said "No...even that could have been something we could easily control but what he got was much worse. He is now able to change the building blocks of a living being. Turning it into a beast of sorts which increases its strength 10 or even 100 fold but at the cost of the living beings' sanity.

Yami stopped the old man from speaking and quickly asked "Wait a min...is this got something to do with the beast that attacked the chunin exams and the borders of the land of fire?"

The old man shrugged and said "How can I tell? We tried multiple times but your devouring law forbids us from seeing you or the shinobi world."

"Then how should I stop him? and why is he only sending one beast...does he have a limited number of beasts or something?"

"As far as we know he can create multiple beasts but it takes a lot of time to train them and make them obedient...as for only sending one, he doesn't want to gather too much attention as there are being that can hunt down the beast if they want in the shinobi world."

"You mean the tailed beasts."

"Yes, the 9 tailed beasts can kill the beast which is why the beast can't create havoc openly but seeing that you have already discovered it means the beast isn't properly trained. It is a good thing because now the beast will face many more opponents before it is able to find you"

"Are you saying I can't defeat him?"

"I don't think so and the reason why I pulled you in here is something else." the old man. From his sudden change in behavior, he appeared to be in a hurry.

Yami pointed at the black document and said "Yeah I think we should address the elephant in the room now."

"Your contract turned like this a few minutes after you transmigrated. I am guessing you must have used the devouring law." the old man asked to which Yami nodded. He remembered devouring the bodies of the Uchiha clansmen.

"The document becoming like this means good and bad things for you...the good thing is that if you break the agreement and decide to either not kill Kaguya or even help her win we can't do anything. We can't punish you nor can we pull you out of the shinobi world. The bad thing is that the contract now belongs to the one who gave you the devouring law and we have no idea who it is."

"The good thing isn't too much good news but the bad news is really worse. Are you saying you sold me but don't know to who?" Yami asked. The old man waved his hand and said "You make it sound like I am a human trafficker or something. And even though we don't know who has the contract, it doesn't bind you in any way. You don't have to do anything that isn't in the contract."

Yami sighed in relief when he heard that but then the old man's next words. "The main problem of the devouring law is that the more you use it, the more it will chip away your humanity. To counter that, remember to keep the number of souls devoured to be higher than devouring corpses."

"Wait chip way my humanity? Are you saying the reason I am killing people a little more brutally than usual is because of that?"

"No... it's just been a few years since you were born so there are still a few years until your humanity is affected. And don't blame your enjoyment of killing on the devouring law. As for devouring souls, it will give you powers as well but as I said you will have to devour a lot of souls for that to happen. Just remember the more souls you devour, the clearer your mind will be." the old man wanted to say more but then the document started burning the table and the table started turning black with red cracks in between.

Yami backed away immediately and asked "What is happening?"

The old man didn't act surprised and said "The devouring law found out that I pulled your consciousness in here and is now trying to destroy this place to stop our meeting." By now various parts of the room started turning black with those red cracks.

The old man stood up and said "Listen to me child...remember whoever the entity is, he has multiple champions, and that's what transmigrators normally become when they are too successful but some are too lucky and become the entity's avatars. The minimum requirement to do that is to develop that entity's law. You have not become any entity's avatar but have devouring law that may attract the attention of the already established avatars. So beware kid... and like I said last time, never let anyone see you using it." The old man instantly disappeared after saying that.

Yami looked around to search where the old man went but most of the room had already turned black by now. The very next second Yami found himself bad on the bed. He looked outside and saw that not even an hour had passed by now since she went into meditation. 'I want to read the documents that I collected from both the bases along with the crates of thread that I have but it has already been a very busy night and I have to be ready for tomorrow's chaos. The chances of things going as I want are high but not absolute. I have to be ready with the backup plan or else Haku could lose her head in the prison itself.'

Yami wasn't too attached to Haku but he knew Zabuza would create a big scene if Haku dies. The only reason Haku agreed to take my place in that prison is that she hates the Mizukage faction for killing her clansmen.'

Yami left a bat outside the window to keep an eye around and then went to sleep.

He woke up after a couple of hours due to sounds coming from the outside. Yami didn't panic much as there was no shouting or anything. He didn't use his enhanced senses and just went near the window. He looked outside and saw shinobis standing every few meters away from each other. Normally there would be shinobis in the market but they would be dressed as civilians. They would also be lax and only look for anything suspicious. But now it was like they were ready for an attack.

"Looks like my adventures last night has the bloodline clans on their toes" Yami chuckled as he took back the bat and closed the window.


Terumi Mansion

In the underground meeting room, everyone was in a grim mood. No one spoke a single word and the clan heads were looking at each other. Mei and the others who were standing at the side like always knew that something unexpected had happened. She didn't get the official report but only what AO had told her so far. AO wasn't in the room right now beside the Terumi clan Patriarch due to which she was oblivious to the details of the attack.

Mei leaned toward Elder Wu who was standing beside her and asked "Elder Wu what is everyone waiting for? It has been more than 10 mins but no one is saying a single word."

Elder Wu signaled her to be quiet and said "We are waiting for the detailed report from our spies in the Mizukage faction." Mei didn't question further nor did anyone standing there with her.

The old man along with the Terumi Patriarch was staring at Riko and Asami. Riko who was getting uncomfortable by their gazes looked at them directly and said "Stop looking at me like that. I told you it wasn't me nor was it anyone from my clan. I would never orchestrate an attack so deep into their territory."

The Terumi clan Patriarch leaned forward and said "You expect me to believe that Riko? You and Asami were in charge of launching attacks on them so is attacking their base a stretch?"

Riko was about to answer but Asami stopped him and looked at the two veteran clan leaders and said "I know you both think we are new as clan leaders and would be desperate to perform a feat and win recognition and fame but that is the last thing we want. We know that our side and the Mizukage faction are in a very complicated balance right now and by doing this it was nothing less than declaring an all-out war.

Naruto: Uchiha's Genjutsu Demon Part 2Where stories live. Discover now