Annoying Elder Chiyo

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Seeing that Hidan had completely turned into ash and there was nothing left to burn now, Yami retracted his scorch-release tentacles. Firstly, he took back his devouring law which turned the tentacles back into their original red color, and then they dispersed.

By this time, Obito who had now lost his arm also canceled his Kamui and the distorted space went back to normal. Yami looked back at the paper talisman that he had thrown a minute ago to activate the formation. With a flick of his finger, he threw a button-sized fire at the talisman making it burn to ashes and stopping the formation entirely.

He then looked at Obito's arm and picked it up. "What are you planning to do with this arm?" Chiyo asked but Yami wasn't one to answer her questions and he just tossed the arm toward Sasuke who caught it instantly.

"Send the arm to Lady Tsunade for research." Yami said. Yami turned around toward the door and started to walk outside when Gaara asked "If you were planning to use Hidan as bait then why not tell us about it?"

Kakashi knew that Yami would give some rude answer and since Gaara wasn't just anyone but the Kazekage Kakashi had to intervene now.

"He wasn't sure that the plan would work like this or else he would have informed you about it." Kakashi said.

"Is that so?" Elder Chiyo asked as she raised her eyebrows and looked at Yami. She knew that Kakashi was trying to cover up for him so she wanted to hear it from Yami's mouth.

Yami looked at Kakashi and the other leaf shinobis and all of them were indicating him to nod and get this over with. Even Sasuke understood that this matter could affect the relationship between the two villages so he wanted his brother to cooperate.

Yami nodded and said "He is right." and then left.

Naruto who had been quiet this whole time walked toward Sasuke and picked the arm to inspect it for himself.

"Why would he have you send an arm to Granny Tsunade? Does the arm have anything to do with Akatsuki member appearing from empty space?" Naruto asked but no one had the answer and Sasuke had just asked a question.

"Kakashi sensei, why did it sound like this isn't the first time Yami had encountered this space jutsu Akatsuki member? and he spoke as if Itachi had something to do with it."

Kakashi and Guy knew were the only ones in the room right now who knew about Itachi coming to the hidden leaf.

"I don't know anything about this Sasuke." Kakashi said and everyone's including Lee and Neji's attention shifted to Guy who is Yami's sensei. Seeing himself get put in such a situation Guy gave a small laugh and said "Hehe..we didn't have any mission like that. It must be something that happened during a solo mission that Lady Tsunade gave Yami."

Sasuke and the others were about to accept the answer and leave the prison cell when Lady Chiyo said "They both are lying. They definitely know something."

She didn't stick around to see Sasuke's and the others' reactions to this and left the cell. Baki followed her out and started instructing the sand shinobis who had now gathered a few meters away from the cell due to the noise caused during the fighting.

Gaara looked at Sasuke and the others and said " I apologize for elder Chiyo's behavior. She is still skeptical about the alliance between the hidden sand and the hidden leaf. Please don't take her words seriously."

Kakashi also wanted to give a polite reply but Naruto pushed his aside a little and stood in front of Gaara and said "Gaara we aren't going to get affected by something like this. Don't worry about it and let's focus on getting back at those Akatsuki bastards."

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