Similar Power

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I do not own this book all rights go to its original author lazarus898

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Yami's aim while spewing the fireball wasn't killing the hooded figures rushing at him but only slowing their momentum. He knew very well that the fireball was indeed too slow and could be easily dodged by them in the spacious warehouse. The real aim was the jars that had hearts in them.

The leader of the hooded figure quickly moved to save those boxes but the fire had already destroyed a majority of those boxes and many jars had already smashed and the sound of the screams had increased fivefold. Even the hooded figures and Yami felt that their brain was vibrating inside their skulls.

'Wish I had some good noise-canceling headphones at this time.' Yami thought. He covered his legs with lightning chakra and moved through the hooded figures as fast as he could. He cut them down one by one with the hidden blade. He knew that this weapon wasn't made for such confrontational fights but the hooded figures were pretty weak themselves. Yami didn't know if he had gotten too strong or if most of Jashin's followers were this weak. As he reached the last hooded figure who was their leader, Yami swiped his blade through the man's arm to cut it off and he even felt the blade go through the man's flesh like a hot knife but when Yami looked back, he saw that the arm had already reattached itself to the man.

"You have dishonored the gifts lord Jashin has granted us. He will punish you." the man said is a husky voice. The calmness in his voice that he had while talking to Priest Ji had suddenly vanished.

The man removed his hood and showed his face which made Yami shocked. The man had black veins running through his face under the skin and his eyes were red.

'Did he go in some kind of berserk mode after I destroyed those pickled hearts of his?' Yami thought. The hooded figure took out a folded weapon from his back and straightened it out. The weapon was none other that a scythe. It had many similarities to Hidan's weapon. Yami expected the man to rush at him like his companions but the man suddenly screamed at Yami, causing a red blast of air to blast toward Yami.

It looked as if the air looked like blood when it came at Yami. Yami who himself had a certain level of mastery over the air, pushed both his hands forward negating the attack or so he thought. The blast of air stopped but the red circular blood-like slashes coming towards him didn't.

Yami dodged those slashes and let them hit the wall behind him. He looked back for a second and saw that the slashes hadn't caused a deep cut on the walls but the falls seemed to have eroded a bit.

"You are quite light on your feet. But that won't help you at all." the man gritted his teeth as he threatened Yami. He rushed at Yami with his scythe pulled back. Yami also decided to use some hand-to-hand combat to deal with an enemy.

The man's regenerative ability had already cleared the fact that sharp weapons aren't going to do anything to him. Just as the hooded figure was about to swing his scythe and Yami was about to punch him, the man let go of the scythe with both of his hands.

This greatly confused Yami and the next second, Yami and the man were standing with each other with the man catching Yami's arm.

'Only that idiot Hidan uses a slow and troublesome weapon like the scythe. I prefer to fight close and personal. I like to take everything that belonged to my prey.' He said and started laughing like a madman.

"TAKE THIS OFFERING LORD JASHIN" The man shouted and Yami could feel the blood in his body becoming turbulent and wanting to flow toward the hand that the man had held.

"What is this?" Yami murmured. He had never heard of or seen such a technique in Naruto or even Boruto.

"This is a blessing given to me by Lord Jashin. He takes your everything and gives me a little more strength. Feel proud to become Lord Jashin's strength you insignificant bug." the man started blabbering.

'Who knew that Lord Jashin of his could do something like this? But I also have something that he doesn't expect.' Yami thought as he realized that the hand the madman was holding was the same one that had the devouring law tattoo on it.

Yami quickly opened his palms and interlocked his fingers with the madman. The madman was confused as to what Yami was planning and asked "Have you gone senile?"

He didn't understand why the person who should be desperately trying to push him away would lock his hands with him. Yami then activated his devouring law that made his hand turn black. The madman was watching this thing happen with a confused face until it turned into a panicked one.

As the madman wasn't dead Yami couldn't devour his body but he sure as hell could devour the various tattoos that were shining on the madman's body. Yami was sure that these tattoos are what gave the man strength. They were what connected him to his god.


Yami gave the command and the various symbols on the madman's arm started to burn brightly. Yami expected the devouring law to simply dim and disappear the tattoos but instead it made them burn brightly.

Yami then felt energy flow from the tattoos to his own arm. He could also see the red eyes of the man madman come back to normal white ones and the black nerves on his body were also turning back to normal. For a second or two, the man looked like a normal civilian but the next second he began to dry up.

"NOO...NOO....Don't take it from me....Noooo" the man started shouting while trying to pull his hand away from Yami.

'So all the people's blood he absorbed stores in the form of energy in those tattoos and when I started devouring the tattoo, the energy started transferring to me, and in the end, it's taking his own energy as well.' Yami understood what was happening.

Even after Yami understood what was happening, he continued to devour the madman until he became weak enough and fell down to his knees. In the end when the man was at the door of death Yami stopped. He let go of the man's hand and looked at him fallen on the group with wide open eyes and murmuring something. Yami went closer to him to listen what he was saying "Lord Jashin will not forgive youhe will punish you...Lord Jashin will not forgive youhe will punish you." Yami wanted to devour the man's and his people's souls as well into his devouring eye, but he didn't know what that power did and these people were someone who had already sold their soul for power. In the end Yami abandoned the idea of devouring their souls. He could also hear a lot of commotion around. The guards standing outside didn't enter inside because they feared Jiro and he had strictly ordered them not to step inside the warehouse. Soon the commotion died down and Yami realized that Jiro must have come back.'I can't stay here for long. I need to leave now. I have already destroyed all the hearts they had in the boxes. I wish I could put these hooded people in a genjutsu but I am not sure how that will work. Energy continuously keeps running through those tattoos of theirs so its pretty hard to keep them in a genjutsu. At this time, I can't even go and find the hearts that they already had transferred here during the last batch of supplies, they will keep them safe and I won't be shocked if Jiro wants his personal bodyguards to guard them 24x7. For now I will just leave and let Lady Tsunade know the things that are happening here. I wonder that if I hadn't interfered, would the future remain the same? Would Mei still become the Mizukage?' Questions started flooding Yami's mind as he kept thinking about these things. Yami didn't have much time as he heard the footsteps of 4-5 people coming inside the warehouse. He took out a few explosive tags that he had kept on himself for emergency. He stuck them on pillars which were in the direction where Jiro and his guards were coming from. Yami then looked back at the supplies and smiled "How can I waste all these things so easily?"Yami took out 3 storage scrolls and in two of them he filled it with the supplies that were stored in the warehouse and in the last one he stored the destroyed hearts. The steps of the people coming inside the warehouse were now clearer than ever. Yami knew that they had reached the entrance so he ignited the explosive tags making the pillars near the entrance blast and the entrance collapse on itself. He could hear a few voices and understood that Jiro and his men had narrowly escaped the falling debris. "Someone is insideopen the entrance fast." Jiro shouted from the other side. He had left the hooded figures inside and so when the screams came, he thought they had messed up and dropped one of the jars. He was furious while he was coming but he wasn't in a hurry to run inside. Now that the entrance had collapsed he understood that this was the doing of an enemy. Either the one who had caused the previous scream or one of the hooded figures was a spy.

Naruto: Uchiha's Genjutsu Demon Part 2Where stories live. Discover now