UGD: Hostage for an Hostage

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How dare a kid like you stand in my way? Get out of my way or I'll tear you to pieces." Kakuzu roared.

"There is no way I am letting you get past me." Naruto said as a shadow clone appeared beside him and a Rasengan started forming in his hands.

On the other side, Yami was relentlessly chasing after Konan. Konan was missing the attacks of the scorch-style tentacles by a very narrow margin but the damage and exhaustion was slowly building up. This made Konan more and more weak as time passed but this also gave Tobi the time to get close to Konan. Due to his space-related abilities, neither Kakashi nor Might Guy were able to hit him even once.

'I didn't expect Yami to disregard the life of the hostages and go straight away toward Konan. I can't let her die here or else that idiot Nagato might do something foolish. The other members of the Akatsuki are expandable but not Konan.' Tobi thought as he reached behind Konan and started his Kamui to pull her inside her space.

Konan sighed in relief as she saw this happening. This meant that she would be safe now but Yami wasn't one to let her go this easily.

"We just met and you are planning to leave just like that." Yami said as his sword turned from purple to black and he swung it but not at Konan or Tobi but between the two of them.

Tobi didn't understand what Yami was trying to achieve by this but Kamui was instantly stopped. Konan who was about to go in the Kamui space was back again in the real world.

Before she could react to anything and prepare for any attack, Yami kicked her shoulder making her fly straight toward a small hill and hit it hard. The force of her being kicked was so hard that the hill collapsed on itself.

Yami swung his sword again but this time it wasn't with the intention to kill Tobi but to make him back off.

"Hehe...I am quite annoyed to tell you but you have become the bane of my existence kid. But the woman you are hurting right now is very close to the leader. I must warn you of this or the consequences might not be something the hidden leaf and sand can handle.

The ears of Kakashi and the old woman Chiro twitched as they heard that. They immediately looked at each other and nodded as if they had just made a deal without saying a single word.

Yami who already knew who Tobi was talking about and who the real leader of the Akatsuki was, didn't give a flying fuck to what Tobi said and dashed toward Konan. Due to the hill collapsing, there was a lot of dust and debris in the air which made it hard to see where Konan was and Konan took advantage of this exact situation and threw 5 paper bombs toward Yami.

Yami was already able to sense her chakra so he didn't need to search for her. As the explosion occurred and Konan looked around to see an injured Yami, she saw a red ball in front of her.

"What the hell is this?" She blurted out and found out the very next second as the red ball split into 4 tentacles revealing an unscathed Yami.

"You really are a one-trick pony? Do you even have anything besides paper bombs?" Yami asked provokingly.

Konan actually had a card up her sleeve but she wasn't sure if this was the right time and place to use it. Because it would not only take the lives of her enemies but also her allies and she wasn't heartless enough to do that.

She was immediately brought out of her thoughts when she heard the crackling noises Yami's sword was making. This time Yami had infused lightning chakra in the sword and that was too heavy enough that whenever the lightning would hit the sand on the ground, a small red spot would get created from the intense heat.

Just as Konan was making her decision on whether to use her final trump card or not, she heard a shout "STOP"

Hearing the voice Yami stopped and looked behind. As he had expected this was Kakashi's voice.

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