Push the limits?

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I do not own this book all rights go to its original author lazarus898

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That's some precise control over his sword. It wouldn't have been easy for him to deflect Sasuke's sword which was coming with so much speed and power." Shikamaru said to which the others nodded. They understood that Itachi hadn't taken the brunt of the attack and had redirected it to the ground.

Sasuke was shocked to see something like this and since he had already lost his footing, he was deciding whether to pull out the sword and risk getting hit by the Anbu or just jump back and then search for a chance to get his sword back. Sasuke had many other strengths than Kenjutsu so he won't have much of an issue if he loses his sword for a few seconds.

As Sasuke was deciding, he saw Itachi coming toward him but he wasn't looking at Sasuke but above him.


The 4 Narutos jumped from above Sasuke and 2 of them stretched their hand toward Itachi. No one in the crowd could guess which one was the real Naruto.

As the 2 Narutos reached close to Itachi, he threw his sword toward one of the Narutos and then held the hand of the other Naruto and delivered a kick to his chest. Everyone expected one of these Narutos to be the real one and either get hurt by the attack or dodge it but surprisingly both of them disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"Huh? Both of them were clones?" Sakura asked as she began to feel curiosity. Just then one of the Narutos turned into a big Shuriken and the remaining Naruto threw the big Shuriken at Itachi and then rushed at Itachi with kunais in each hand.

The Big shuriken forced Itachi to step aside and this would mean that Itachi without any weapon on him would be in front of Naruto with two weapons in hand. But just then Itachi put his hand in his utility belt pocket and pulled out a kunai as he was midair jumping to the side and his other hand was still outstretched in the air as it had thrown the sword at the Rasengan holding naruto clone.

"The Anbu can block one of the kunais with its kunai but I am sure that Naruto will use the other kunai to attack at a random spot." Temari said. She was impressed to see Naruto grow up to become this powerful.

Just as Itachi blocked one of Naruto's kunai attacks with his own attack, the others were looking at Naruto's other hand as to where he will attack the Anbu but...


The Naruto disappeared in a puff of smoke as well. Everyone's including Sasuke's eyes widened as he saw that and then all their focus turned in a completely different direction. This was the direction where the big Shuriken was and the Shuriken turned into Naruto.

Naruto didn't waste much time and lunged at Itachi to attack him while he had his back toward him.

"The real Naruto was the Shuriken? Only he can think of something this crazy." Kiba commented to which Kakashi nodded and said "He really is the most unpredictable knucklehead ninja I have ever seen.

Naruto was confident that he was going to land the attack and the crowd was sure of it as well when suddenly they saw Itachi jerk his hand with a quick movement. Naruto didn't understand at first what Itachi was trying to do instead of focusing on turning back and doing something to counter him but Naruto suddenly stopped and leaned backward and the next moment he saw the sword pass in front of him and go back toward Itachi.

"What the hell? How is the sword flying back to you." Naruto asked as he looked at the sword in shock and that's when he and everyone saw something shine near Itachi's hand and soon it was clear what the shine was.

Naruto: Uchiha's Genjutsu Demon Part 2Where stories live. Discover now