The Kid's Audacity

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I do not own this book all rights go to its original author lazarus898

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Tsunade smiled as she understood what Asuma was trying to say. For a second she thought that Asuma was becoming like his father who would tie people up in his web of manipulation on the pretext of safety and care but turns out he really did care not just about the 9 tails falling in the wrong hands but also Naruto.

"Asuma with the people that are around Naruto right now, he is safer there rather than inside the village. Trust me to keep him and the beast safe from the hands of the Akatsuki."

Kurenai was also convinced a little when she heard Tsunade's reassurance. She nudged Asuma and said "Lady Tsunade must have definitely taken this decision after careful thinking. Let's not delay our travel there and endanger the hidden sand to any further extent."

"Let me know when you are about to leave." Tsunade said.

Asuma also nodded and said "I will take my leave Lady Tsunade." After that, everyone left the room except for Tsunade who sat quietly without saying anything staring at the door.

"I thought I told you to rest. You don't want those injuries to flare up, do you?" Tsunade said and the next moment Itachi appeared inside the room wearing an Anbu mask.

"I know but I can't sit still when we are fighting on so many different fronts at the same time. This sounds too much to handle for you by yourself." Itachi said as he removed his mask to reveal his face which now had a few injuries but they look almost healed.

"You should be the last person who spouts bullshit like this. Now tell me the real reason you are here." Tsunade asked.

"Two bats entered the village today and while one of them carried the letter to give you, the other one went straight to the main residence of the Hyuga clan." Itachi said.

"The Hyuga clan? What does Yami have to talk about with them? Did you see to whom the letter was delivered to?"

"No...I could only see that it went inside the main compound, getting nearer to it would require me to go closer and endanger being spotted by a Byakugan." Itachi said. Even he was confused as to why Yami would have any kind of contact with a clan that has no sort of connection with the Uchiha clan.

"Would the letter be to one of the clan leader's daughters?" Tsunade asked as she looked at Itachi but before he could even say anything, she shook her head and said "No..No both of your little brothers are oblivious to this kind of thing. I wonder where they get it from" She said while giving Itachi a side-eye.

'In a time like this, the only person Yami would contact from the Hyuga clan would the Patriarch himself. But what does Yami want from him?' Itachi thought.


Hyuga Main House (Same time)

The door to the main hall opened and the previous Patriarch walked in. He looked at his son who was in deep thought and saw a letter in front of him on the table "You called for me? I was training Hanabi."

Hiashi nodded and pointed at the letter and said "I have received a letter from Yami Uchiha."

"Huh? That kid? Why would he send you a letter? Let me see" The elder said and sat down on the mat and started reading the letter. As he kept reading the expressions on his face started to change and his gentle but stiff hand turned into a fist crumbling the sides of the paper the letter was on.

"I will behead this kid for even making such a demand from us." The elder said grinding his leftover teeth and was about to get up when Hiashi stopped him and said "I am considering approving his demand."

Naruto: Uchiha's Genjutsu Demon Part 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang