Chapter 23

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No Ones Pov

After a couple of rings someone answered the call the owner of the voice that came through the line made Sandra get a chill down her spine and her heart beat to escalate. She answered back and started to cry when she heard his voice break when he heard her voice he tried to hold his composure and cleared his throat.

How are you doing my love? Where are you?

Im in a hospital ill tell my friends husband to send you the address ok baby come as soon as you can i need you guys.

Ok my love ill get the boys to get ready and head over there to come see you and stay there with you ok.

She nodded her head and hung up the phone as she told James to send the address of the hospital to the number she had called and he nodded his head doing as she said. After he did as she said he recieved a call and stepped out to answer it Sandra and Andy continued talking while Soobin crooned on Sandras lap. After a while someone knocked on the door of the room and in peeked 8 heads she smiled and purred for her mates to come in and see them closer. They all went in and smiled at her and crooned as soon as they hugged and kissed her she was happy and was wanting to talk to them but out of no where she felt pain. She whined and the machine started beeping which alerted the nurses that were suppose to be helping her out they ran in with a doctor. She looked over Sandra and gave some kind of medicine and they injected something in her IV drip that was making her fall asleep the doctor stepped out.

After her Chan stepped out with her and stopped the doctor and asked her what was wrong with Sandra she sighed and looked at the chart to get more infromation. She told him that when she arrived she was only alive becuase of some drug that was in her system and it caused her to get her heat early there was also some marks on her wrists and neck. She was also rapped and had two miscarriges luckly she was able to save the last pup she is in a lot of pain though. She couldnt get in contact with her wolf to help her heal because she was poisoned and her wolf is in a lot of pain so i gave her medicine that wont harm her baby. All in all though she was a strong fighter and she is reacting to the medicine well and she should be healed enough to go back home in a couple of days.

Her wolf on the other hand wont be able to come out any time soon because of the poison she was injected with she wont be able to come out for a couple of months. Unless there is a miracle worker out there she will be wolfless for quite some time so she will need a lot of rest and food as well. She was malnurished when she got here i was afraid she would die but she made it you boys are lucky to have a strong mate. Chan nodded his head and thanked her mind linking his mates he told them everything that happened and how she ended up where she was at. He recieved a notification that someone messaged him he looked at his phone and smiled a bit at the name that popped up. Instead of replying he decided to call the man who messaged him to let him know everything was ok and also to talk to a bit even though the man was a month or so older than him.

Hey Jungkook how are you man its been a while that i havent heard from you.

Hey Channie boy yea it has after i found my mate its been complicated for me to have time for my friends. The only reason im still in BTS is because its work otherwise id be in his bed all the damn time. Jungkook chuckled on the other side of the line.

So how is she did you guys find her i mean i know its non of my buisness but you are a friend to me and i care about you Chnnie.

Yea we found her and not in good shape we are at the hospital as we speak and i have no idea when she will be able to come home. All i know is that the doctor told me soon she will be able to be discharged, but Junkook honestly im afraid of whats gonna happen to us when she is discharged i wanna take her home with us back to Korea.

I understand and i know she will not mind after all she is yalls mate hmmm. Now tell me what happend to her i wanna know the details about it.

Chan nodded and told him everything without knowing that Jungkook had the phone on speaker and his mate was listening in with a cold hard stare he huffed and walked away as soon as the call ended. Jungkook went after him and tried to talk to him about what he was gonna do all he got was the cold shoulder and a grunt from his mate. He pouted a bit but knew why he was mad he understood after all she was higher ranked than the kings themselves and he knew that it was his job to protect her. He failed at that one simple task because he was busy with other packs around the world to even think about Sandra and her mates at the moment.

When they got to his office Jungkook swollowed down a nervous lump in his throat as he saw his mate going to his desk and started writing down the plans for reveange. He walked slowly and got to his desk and helped his mate plan they needed to bring the kings down a knotch without causing so much rukus. The first thing Jungkook thought about was a way to get Sandra to Korea so she can start to train her powers even though it might take some time but she was strong and he knew she could do it. He let his mate know and his mate nodded in agreement he also added that her and her 8 mates will move into the castle until she is ready. They will find a way to make it look like she is gone off the face of the Earth including her mates that will also require a lot of training to fight against the kings. It took them seven days to come up with the perfect plan and as soon as they were done Jungkook kissed his mate and said ill be back in a couple of days. With that he left and went to the airport bought a ticket to Texas and started to work on the plan they had come up with.

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