Chapter 5

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Sandra's POV

As i saw the boys cooking I couldnt help but smile at the adorable scene in front of me. Then out of no where the name Stray Kids came out of my mouth. As I kept looking at them I recall the names they said and I tried so hard to think. Where have I heard their names before where. As I thought some more my head started spinning and all at once I remembered everything. Who they are and what they meant to me my family the kidnapping. I tried to get the dizziness under control but I couldn't no matter how hard I tried.

Hey its ok relax take deep breaths or you can faint and our mates are busy cooking for us. My wolf said I tried to listen to her but the one thing that kept on replaying was how the boys kidnapped me. I screamed at the top of my lungs and the dizziness got worse as I felt my mind going into unconsciousness.

Felix c catch me p please. I said before passing out.



As we were arguing about how much spice we should add to our food I felt my wolf stir.

Felix something is wrong I don't feel comfortable our mate is saying something but I can't quite understand. Yongbok said. As I turned to look at Sandra she let out the worst scream ever. My eyes widened and heard her say my name.

I rushed to her side before she passed out so I caught her.

What the hell is going on with her guys? I yelled at the boys around me looking for answers as I carried Sandra to the couch we had in the living room.

Let me speak with her wolf Felix let go for a bit so I can talk to her. I nodded my head and let my wolf lose i nodded and mind linked Sandy which was Sandra's wolf.

Hey love what's wrong with you?

Sandra was trying to think about who you guys were and she remembered. It all came down at once so her mind was not prepared for that and so her mind shut down.

Wait so if she wakes up will she still want to be with us?

Of course you guys are our mates after all.

Wait why can't I see you? Why does it look blurry?

Oh that is because since she hasn't shifted my actual image won't show till then. I do have one request from you guys though.

Go ahead speak my love.

When she shifts you guys need to be there its her first shift and also you guys need to be in your wolf form. Once she shifts you guys need to mark and mate me as soon as she is done shifting. If you guys hesitate I will run off and wind up mating other wolves because I will be new to the environment.

What what are you talking about thats only for a goddess to do so she can be marked by random wolves. A wolf with 8 mates can't mate other wolves.

Thats where you are wrong my love once I'm out in my true form you will know why I said what I said for now just focus on getting her awake I don't like seeing her past its to heart breaking even for me.

Okay love I'll see you when she shifts.

As i come out of the head space I let the guys know what happened every detail of what she told me. All 8 of us were confused as to why she would want to be mated as soon as she shifted. Usually when wolves first transform their first instinct is to hunt for food not mate. The only one who has ever done that was the reincarnation of the moon goddess. As I tried to think it all started to make sense Sandra is the moon goddess reincarnated after 10,000 years she is finally back and we are the honored wolves who are her mates. I looked at the boys as all eyes widened in realization. Won't that mean something big is gonna happen that the moon goddess has to show up?

G guys does that mean our mate is  t the moon goddess herself. Jeongin asked us all as he was the youngest he was trying to figure things out on his own.
I nodded and looked down at the sleeping figure who was curled up in a ball on the couch. I smiled and cuddled her so she won't be cold anymore. Out of the corner of the room I heard soft croons coming off the alphas surrounding me at the precious scene in front of them. I crooned back and looked at them with a smile. Out of no where we all heard Sandra purring indicating that she was satisfied and liked the attention she was getting from her mates. Even when she was still asleep so I cuddled closer and crooned some more for her to feel a lot better.

She smiled and gripped my shirt a bit trying to wake herself up. When she opened her eyes she looked straight at me and smiled so lovingly and put her hand on my cheek.

Felix. I thought you would never be so close to me when I would be fan girling in my room. She stifled a laugh and gently stroked my face as I leaned into her touch I felt lured to her. As I moved towards her lips she purred letting me know its ok to continue. As our lips touched the sparks that flew through out my body made me jolt a bit. Her smell of cherry blossom and vanilla mixed with pinewood made my wolf howl in pleasure.



Well I guess another update lol I'm not sure how this is gonna go but I'm thinking of making this as less problems so it won't be too much hopefully this will make it more interesting.

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