Chapter 14

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Sandra's Pov

What the hell was this dudes problem i can feel him staring at me and Felix i couldnt look at him though since i was embarassed of how he caught Felix and i. I heard them talking but kept my mind occupied with how to get the knot to come down faster so i can get off of Felix but as soon as it came down Felix held me tight to him so i wouldnt move. I whined a bit trying to get him to understand my situation but he insisted so i stayed put hearing the conversation which was a bad idea i froze when i heard the manager say what he said.

How can you boys do something so stupid and wreckles and no less than to a fucking whore that you found at a fucking drive thru are you fucking serious?

She is not a whore shes our fucking mate and you have no say so on what the hell we do in our private life.

I fucking dont but you guys could have gotten a much better omega than this piece of trash like i had always said my daughter is just right for you guys. I had to do a little background check on her to make sure she wont fucking ruin you guys reputation. This is the shit i found on her. He took his phone out followed by a yellow looking envelope thing that was a bit bulky and i was a bit scrared. I shuddered and whimpered and Felix held me closer to him whispering that everything will be ok. He held me close to him and i felt so tiny in the living room area i didnt like the feeling of where the conversation was going. I did have some secrets i was keeping but not because i wanted to its just that i just met the boys and i wasnt ready to let them know about my past. I let a tear roll and my body automatically moved on its own and before i knew it i was back in Jisungs room with the door locked and i sat on the floor crying. The past haunting me once again i heard banging on the door but i ignored it and after a while they stopped i sighed in relive because i just wanted to be alone. I took my phone from the top of my clothes that were a bit torn and dirty and looked at it. I went through my pictures of my whole family missing everyone like crazy i took in a big breath of air and put my clothes on and gathered whatever i came with. I grabbed a paper and pen that was coincidentally in Jisungs room and wrote them a letter apoligizing about everything and how much fun i had even if it was for a few days. How i would miss them so much and for them to forget about me so it'll be better for all of us if we did that. Knowing myself that i would never forget my mates and how happy they made me feel and how great the sex was even if we didnt really use protection.

I snuck out the window and ran away from them from my mates i cried all the way till i got to a bus stop and just let it drive where ever it was going. My phone rang so many times and i wanted to answer but i knew it was for the best if i just left them their manager was right. I saw that we were near the gas station that was like a mile or so away from my home so i got off and walked the rest of the way home. Usually there were no cars this late as it was almost 2 in the morning but today was a bit busy. Several cars stopped and asked if i needed a ride obviously i would deny them till i saw a very familiar veichal pulling up. The guy rolled his window down and i was met by Nathan an ex boyfriend of mine that i really did love but he had to leave and we had to end it. I smiled seeing him and i took his offer to give me a ride but as i got closer i remembered that my family didnt know who i was so i told him to take me to a hotel to rent till i can figure out what i was gonna do after all the shit that went down. The thing about Nathan was that he was a run away wolf so i knew i could confine in him everything that happend to me and about my mates and the marking on my neck. He was dumbfounded to say the least but he insisted that i stay with him in the mean time till i get my shit together i agreed obviously and to his house we went.

The first thing i noticed when we got to his home was how clean it was i was a bit freaked out becuase he was a bit messy when we dated i smiled and shook my head. I inhaled in his scent and it was a good scent nothing compared to my mates but it was doable for now i felt Sandy howling in pain as we could feel our mates suffering. He showed me to one of the rooms he had that had a restroom attached to it and a walk in closet there was a king sized bed in the middle with a very beautiful theme on it. I looked at the mirror and saw myself and was disgusted because all i saw was an omega who ran away from her mates her destiny i shook my head and went to look inside the restroom to see how big it was. I loved how it had a huge bathtub and to the left side there was the shower and a lot of diffrent shampoos conditioners and body washes even fruity ones. I turn my head to look at him and he said that his niece does stay over some nights and that the room ill be staying in was hers when she was over.

I remembered her she was such a lovely girl and i was head over heels for her when she was a baby i watched her grow up till she was 5 years old. I went back out and explored the rest of his house remembering where everything was and how every detail was made just in case i get reckless. I finally finished my tour when this tiredness hit me full force that my knees buckled under me i waited for impact but it never came i looked up and saw Nathan holding me up. I blushed because he was still as handsome as i remember him i shook out of my thoughts and told him to let me go and i rushed to the room where i would be staying at. I went to shower and got out in just a bathrobe embarassed because i had no clothes what so ever so i laid on the bed and exhaled loudly not hearing the door to the house open and also my door. I looked up when i heard a bag fall on the floor and saw Nathan there covering his eyes and leaving immediately i chuckled and grabbed the bag looking inside it. I saw undies bra a shirt and some basketball shorts, recognizing his clothes i smiled and threw on the clothes he brought me. I smiled contently at how i looked but out of no where i started crying becuase i missed my mates i fell to my knees just letting it sink in. I cried so much that i fell asleep on the floor clutching my chest and touching the mate mark i had on my neck whimpering in heart break.

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