Chapter - 7

45 4 1

Author P.O.V

Next day Morning

After successfully taking hostage of the mole last night, all of them were eased now. They tortured him until he begged for his death. Each one of them were contented with the pain they inflicted on him. Only in the morning they were done with him and returned back home.

"That felt so nice!" Jungkook plopped on the sofa with a relieving sigh.

"Finally, I can sleep. I was hella tired tracking down that bastard" Yoongi too plopped down with remaining others taking a seat on the couch beside.

"I need food. Ahjumma is the breakfast ready?" Jin called out.

Mrs. Jang walked into the living room with a warm smile.

"It's ready to be served but I need all of you to enter the dining room after you guys fresh up" she gave them a sweet warning.

For all the people in the house Mrs. Jang is the head housekeeper but for those six people she is a mother, whom they all lost.

"Ahhhhh" Jin whined lazily.

"By the way, Tae" she called out Taehyung, who was leaning his head back on the sofa closing his eyes.

Taehyung hummed without altering his posture.

"It's almost ten in the morning and Sarah didn't come down. As far as I know she hadn't had dinner last night too. Is everything okay with her?" she questioned making Taehyung to pull up.

Just then he remembered what he did with Sarah last night.

"Sarah!" breathing out he ran towards the basement.

All others were left puzzled about what's happening which made them to take a run behind Taehyung.

Slamming the basement door open, Taehyung's eyes searched for Sarah desperately. Turning to his right he saw a lifeless body lying on the ground. He paused there for a second. A gasp from Mrs. Jang made Taehyung to snap back to reality.

Pacing towards her he kneeled down while taking her into his arms.

"P-princess" he shook her.

"Hyung! Why is noona here in the basement?" Jungkook rushed towards Taehyung.

"Call the doctor!" with that Taehyung rushed out with Sarah in his hands.

After laying her on the bed in his room he allowed Jin to check up on her till the doctor arrive.

"What actually happened, Taehyung? There are bruises, cuts with dried blood on her body and on top of that she is freaking unconscious" Jin screamed with worry.

"Later hyung! First give me an update about her condition" Taehyung asked in a hurry.

Turning around where all the others were standing, Jin called out Hoseok.

"Hoseok, do you think her unconsciousness have anything to do with drugs?".

Hoseok walked closer to the bed to take a clear look at Sarah face.

"I don't think so, Hyung. People who consumed drugs appears like they are in a deep sleep but she looks rather pale and dull. I believe she fainted" Hoseok explained.

"How much time does it take for the doctor to reach?" Taehyung asked impatiently.

"He will be here anytime now, Tae" Namjoon replied.

Just then the door opened revealing a guard.

"Sir, Mr. Han is here!" he informed.

"What are you waiting for? Let him in!" Taehyung rushed.

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