Chapter - 3

52 4 1

Taehyung P.O.V

"Hyung, I told you not to talk about those things infront of Sarah" I hissed in frustration.

"How the hell can investors and Mafia be related to one and other?" Jin hyung defended himself.

"She fucking knows I own and run that company as a whole and there you were talking about investors. You could have done better" I stated.

"How do you expect me to come up with something better when you were standing there shooting daggers at me?" Jin hyung stood up from his place slamming the table in the process.

"You—" I was about to talk back when someone interrupted me.

"Enough guys! We have way more important issues to deal with" I looked over to find a set of triangular eyes glaring at us with irritation.

I looked around taking a note of my surroundings. Here I am in my board room where I do all the dealings of the underworld, taking up on the title 'The Mafia King'. I realized this is no place to have such conversations. Sighing, I gave Jin hyung a 'I'll deal with you later' look.

"Okay, let's start the briefing" I said walking to my seat which is at the head of the table crossing the five bulky men who can be called either as members of my gang or members of my family.

There are three men seated to my right.

Starting with Yoongi Hyung- this man can do way more damage than you think. He can basically live in your software systems if you leave them unattended for a few seconds. Every device which he gets his hands on will for sure gets hacked.

And beside him is Hoseok hyung- Never in my whole life I saw him losing a deal be it legal or illegal! Call it his charm or luck, he never loses a deal. All my underworld dealings are done by him and so far, he didn't let me down.

And beside him is Namjoon Hyung- If there is a man who knows about all the weapons existing in this world, then he would be Kim Namjoon. You name it and he can tell you a whole big ass speech about how the particular weapon works. Every weapon I purchase will be done under his supervision.

To my left there are two men seated.

The first one is Seokjin Hyung- He is the peace maker of the gang excluding the fight which we had few minutes ago. He learned one or two about medicine so he is also called as the healer of the gang. Does it make sense that a person who works in under world has no criminal record? For Jin it does! He has his own tricks to deal an illegal business in a legal way. He also takes care of my publishing company in the disguise as my P.A.

And beside him is Jungkook- my charming younger brother. At present, he is just enjoying his life. He takes care of the clubs, casinos, five-star hotels everything that screams 'sin' and holds 'power'. He is the playboy of our gang. Similar to Hoseok hyung, Jungkook deals with people. They either give up the deal or give up their life.

"Our manufactures in Italy are sending over two more weapons, I heard those are the most effective weapons in the market" Namjoon hyung started with his briefing.

"When we will get our hands on it?" I asked in my serious tone.

"They will reach our warehouse by tomorrow evening at the earliest" he replied and I gave him a nod.

"New drug dealings are all positive. Jungkook and I are working together to introduce those drugs in our clubs" Hoseok hyung filled in while Jungkook nodded agreeing.

"I legalized all our new illegal purchases" Jin hyung updated.

"And Yoongi hyung?" I called out.

"The rival gang is acting up again. They are again planning on killing you tonight. I am done dealing with their dumb asses" he complained.

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