Ahsoka's First Command

Start from the beginning

Axe (radio): I got two on my tail. I can't shake them.

Kickback (radio): I can't help you, Axe. I got my own problem.

As Kickback was trying to dodge the enemy fighter's lasers. It made contact to his engine and Kickback was killed in the explosion.

Anakin (radio): Ahsoka, we are in trouble! I order you back here!

Ahsoka (radio): All right, all right. Let's go, squad. Pull back to the command ship.

Y/N's (thoughts): She's gonna be in so much trouble later...

Slammer (radio): Why are we retreating?

Ahsoka (radio): We're not retreating. We're following orders.

Y/N, Ahsoka, and their Squadron pulled back to the cruisers but they were too late as the three cruisers took to much damage.

Y/N: Squadron, board the cruisers and prepare for lightspeed!

Ahsoka (radio): What? Why?

Y/N: Ahsoka, listen to me. Right now, we can't lose anymore people. So, right now do as I say.

As Y/N, Ahsoka, Slammer, and Tucker returned to the hangar. They were the only ones who made it back unharmed. Y/N got out of his ship and saw Ahsoka sitting on her ship.

Anakin: Ahsoka, I am very disappointed in you. You not only disobeyed the Admiral, you disobeyed me.

Ahsoka: I thought I could knock out those battleships so when Master Obi-Wan arrived, he could get through.

Anakin: I know you meant well, Snips, but there's a bigger picture that you're not aware of. First rule of war, listen and obey your superiors.

Ahsoka: But sometimes you get carried away.

Y/N: (grabs Ahsoka's shoulder) All that means is that he understands what you're going through.

Ahsoka: But I failed.

Anakin: It was a trap, Ahsoka. It wasn't your fault.

Ahsoka: I lost so many of my pilots.

Anakin: Take heart little one. That's the reality of command.

Rex: General, we're approaching our staging area.

Anakin: Very good, Captain.

Rex: Master Windu is requesting a report on our progress.

Anakin: Our progress, huh? Well, we haven't made any progress yet.

Rex: I'll tell him, sir.

Anakin: No, Rex, I'll tell him myself. Thank you. As soon as we tend to our wounded, get me a damage report.

Ahsoka pulled onto Y/N's arm and dragged him with her. Just as Anakin finished speaking with Rex. He turned around to see that Y/N and Ahsoka were gone.

Ahsoka: Did I disappoint you too?

Y/N: No. You did the right thing but it's like what Anakin, said. It was trap. There was nothing that you could've done.

Ahsoka: I guess this is how you felt like when you lost your men, didn't you?

Y/N: Anakin and I went through this same pain many times. But yet we always still took command and continued winning our battles. We never felt happy by losing our men but we would celebrate because we won the battle for them. All the clones that gave their lives in battle will never be forgotten.

Ahsoka: But I-

Y/N: (com-link beeps) This is Captain Y/N.

Anakin (radio): Y/N, can you meet me in the hangar?

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