Back on Midgard again

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A:N Thoughts are in italics. This chapter is short and important but I didn't know what to do.

Y/n lands somewhere on Earth it has almost been a year since she was last here. Earth time moves faster the Asgard. Being on earth brings back lots of memories of what was. She is placed on the party deck. Lauryn is back on and working.

"Hello Y/n, how may I serve you."

"Where is Nat."

"She is in her room."

"Thank you, Lauryn."

"Oh and Lauryn."


"Is Peter here."

"No, he is out patrolling."

"Oh thank Odin." I walk to Nat's room as I enter it's dark I guess she is taking a nap. As soon as I am all the way a knife gets hurled at my face.


"Oh y/n."

"Yeah." She stands up and I give her a hug which surprises her.


"It's okay I should know better than to sneak in your room." I smile.

"I missed you," Nat says.

"Me too."

"So how are you doing?"

"You want the real truth."


"Well, how do I start." I give a tight-lipped smile. "Well I am queen I am supposed to have an arranged marriage but the person I am supposed to marry is Loki acting as someone else he is trying to get close to the throne so he can rule and I think he is going to use my sister to help him out."

"Oh y/n I am so sorry."

"It's fine I don't expect anything else from my brother."

"So wait why are you here and not up there dealing with your brother."

"Well Loki is going to bring an army and I need people that I can trust. You already took him down once I know you guys can do it again."

"Well let's get to the other Avengers in the living room."

"Yeah." We walk to the living room and Wanda is the first to see me so she hugs me.

"Welcome back, I missed you." I smile. Tony is next to greet me.

"Hey, Y/n."

"Hey, old man."

"That nickname is reserved for capsicle over there."

"I know but you getting up there with him." Tony glares at me and I just laugh.

"What brings you back princess?" Steve asks.

"Well, I have some news."

"What is it?"

"Well, I am queen now."

"That's amazing."

"Thank you but I need your help."

"What is it."

"I think since not everyone is here, you should call a meeting."

"Okay, how about we call in an hour so Peter can get back? So meet at 10:00" Fuck I have to deal with that asshole. Why does he have to come? Wanda starts to laugh. I look at her knowing what she did.

"Okay sounds good." Wanda, Nat, and I go back to Nat's room.

"Why were you laughing in there?" Nat asks.

"Well, Wanda read my thoughts and heard that I don't want Peter at the meeting." Nat laughs.

"So how are your powers coming along?" Wanda asks.

"Good, my powers are a lot stronger now. My mother taught me how to unlock my powers. So now I have psionic energy and dream enhancement, like Wanda but I wake someone up put them to sleep, and kill them through their dreams which is kind of weird to think about."

"Wow, you got stronger," Wanda says and Nat just smiles. We keep talking then we head to the meeting. Everyone is there and we are the last ones. Peter is there which makes my heart stop beating and makes me freeze.

"Okay, I gathered you all here because Y/n needs our help. Y/n you have the floor." I walk up to the head of the table.

"Okay so as some of you know I am the queen of Asgard. I have recently figured out that Loki will try to take over Asgard with the help of my sister Hela and her army."

"How is Loki going to get an army?" Tony asks.

"Well I guess that they are going to resurrect Hela's army called the Einherjar."

"Resurrect?" Clint asks.

"Yes using the eternal flame that is kept in Odin's vault but I don't know where the army is."

"Well, we better get to work," Steve says.

"Yes, I agree. I think we should leave tomorrow." I say.

"Okay sounds good. We'll leave tomorrow at 0800." I follow Nat back to her room.

"Did Tony move my stuff out of the room?"

"No, it's all there."

"Oh cool, I guess I will just sleep there."

"Okay, see you tomorrow." Nat smiles as I walk back to my room. I make it back to my room and everything is the same. Nothing has changed even my shampoo bottles and shower gel are the same as I left them. I toss and turn not being able to sleep. I finally get up and check the time. It's around 3 a.m. I go to the living room. I just think about what going to go on throughout the day.

I should get the Avengers settled in and we will try to prevent Loki from getting Hela on Asgard. If she does come to Asgard we will figure it out from there Y/N Y/N Y/N.

"Earth to Y/n," Peter says.

"Oh uh sorry."

"I was just making sure you were okay." The atmosphere changes to an awkward mood.

"Yeah, I am fine. Why are you up so early."

"Oh, I am going to work out now."

"Oh okay, nice."

"Yeah see you later."

"Yeah okay." He leaves and I sigh. That was very awkward. I decide to go back to my room. I look around and see a box under my bed. It's very dim and I don't feel like turning on the lights. I touch the box and instantly I am immersed in a different world. It's a memory. It's me getting this gift for Peter's birthday. I forgot all about this box it was the Lego Death Star set. That was the day I broke up with Peter. So I guess I have a new powerful sensory memory. After a little while I fall back asleep and wake up around 6. I shower and eat before going to Asgard. I tell Hemidell to send us back up.

Peter and Y/n Princess of AsgardWhere stories live. Discover now