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You wait until Peter turns down the street so you can change. You change into your suit in the alleyway. You start walking to the hydra base. You go to the top of the building looking for a vent to go in. You feel a pair of strong arms. Not knowing who it is you step on the person's foot and use your other foot to kick where that sun don't shine. You turn around to see a person in a red and blue suit.
"Oh shit sorry." He is curled up on the floor.
"Yeah it's ok. Just remind me never to do that again."
"Do you need help getting up?"
"I think I am just going to lay here for a little while."
"Ok." You sit down. Peter is still curled up.
"Yeah I think we can go now." Peter says.
"That was fast."
"Speed healing."
"Oh right." You walk over to the vent and open the bolted vent window and walk in. You were shorter than Spider-Man so it was easier for you to fit in with Spider-Man. It took some time.
"Oh finally those vents are so small."
"Speak for yourself. Don't make a sound and only speak with your A.I.
"Hey Lauryn, can you connect me with Spider-Man."
"Y/n connecting now."
"Thank you."
"Ok can you hear me."
"Yeah loud and clear."
"I think we are approaching the file room." You suddenly stop because people are in the room. Peter runs into your butt luckily you were had a just little room so you did not fall into the room.
"Seriously Spider-Man."
"Well can you get your head out of my ass."
"Yeah sorry." He backs up. Luckily you did not make noise. The people finally leave.
"Ok Spidey let's go."
You fall from the sealing onto the floor. Peter crawls on the walls. While your looking for that file someone is about to come in.
"Destiny people are about to come in."
"Ok, can you keep them busy when they come in."
"Yeah sure."
"These files their are so many freaking files."
Just then two people come in.
"Destiny we got company."
"We'll stick to the plan."
Before one of them could press the emergency button Spider-Man webbed them up. The other guy pulled out a knife and threw it towards me but I quickly dogged it.
"Damn didn't Tony Starks dad say Hydra wasn't going to coma at me with a knife." Peter just ignored her and webbed up the other guy. You finally found the file.
"Ok Spidey, I got it."
"Yeah." You go back up the vent Spider-Man close behind. Back in that room the guy was still able to reach the button. All of a sudden an alarm starts blaring.
"Ah shit." People start using their guns and shooting at the vent. Spider-Man is able to move out of the way with his senses. It's harder for you because their are so many people. You were just over a grate when someone shot it and it fell while you were on top of it. You fall into open fire. You land on your feet and start to fight. You throw blast at people instantly knocking out. Spider-Man also webs them up. Once everyone was down. You see blood. It turns out that you got shot twice in the one leg once in your right and left arm.
"Umm Spider-Man I got shot."
"Oh god you got shot."
"Can you walk?"
"For now."
"Ok let work on getting out."
"Lauryn what is the nearest exit."
"Sorry my map is not working now."
"Ah shit. Get in contact with Tony now."
"Ok Spider-Man let's go." You start walking fast taking out anybody who comes in sight.
"Hey kid are you out?"
"No I got shot, don't know how much I can last."
"Ok. We are coming."
"Well I would hope so. I am about to bleed to death."
"Don't get smart with me young lady."
"Oh shut up tony and come will ya."
"Yeah yeah whatever." He hangs up.
"Okay let's turn this way." You say. A lot of guards are coming.
"Yeah no just kidding." At this point your limping really bad.
"Uh Spidey I don't know how much longer I can hang."
"Ok umm I can carry you."
"Don't try anything mr. I have a boyfriend."
"I won't I have a pretty cool girlfriend and I don't think she will be to happy if I did anything."
"Good. I will just sit down I need some rest."
"Don't go to sleep ok."
"Yeah." Spider-Man fights the guards. You help him when you can. Its so hard to keep your eyes open. Spider-Man keeps talking to you so you can stay up.
Spider-Man pov
"Destiny, how are you feeling."
"I'm ok just really tired."
"Ok just stay up a little longer." I did not hear any reply back. I looks over to see you unconscious . I beat all the guards and go over to you. I see you are unresponsive so i carry you trying not to hurt you anymore. More guards come and I webs them up using one hand.
"Hey Karen."
"How far is Tony?"
"He is about 2 minutes away."
"Ok." I quickly took out a few more guards using Natasha's techniques. I focused on one of the guards to take him out but I did not realize there was another behind me and I dogged part of my body but he got my shoulder.
"Not know Karen."
"It's urgent though."
"How urgent can it be, only if y/n is dying don't or Tony is calling I need to focus."
"Y/n'a heartbeat is getting slower."
"What is it."
"64 bpm."
"Oh frick. How much longer until Tony gets here?" You hear a loud explosion in the next corridor.
"He is here."
"Wow thank you."
"I am happy to assist."
You walk a little faster to meet Tony. You can't really move your left shoulder.
"Kid. You ok."
"Umm I got shot but it's not that bad."
"What do you mean it's not that bad you just got shot."
"Boys can you see the girl in front of you, her heart rate is declining." Nat says.
"Sorry." Tony and Peter say. Nat gets the IV ready. Peter puts you on the bed. Tony gets into the cockpit and starts flying not forgetting to blow up the bulding afterwards.
"Hey Tony can you call Dr.Cho?" Nat says."
"Yeah I got it."
You can stop worrying about Y/n."
"Hunny I know you worried but it's best if you sit down." Nat say in a whisper.
"I just don't want to lose her." You reply in a hushed voice.
"I know the team is going to do everything they can."
"I feel like it's my fault."
"Don't blame yourself that's the worst you can do."
"I guess I can try."
"Ok what going on with the whispering back their." Tony says.
"Tony mind you own god damn businesses." Nat says.
"Sorry." He replies.
"Actually I think I should tell you."
"Peter are you sure."
"Sure about what." Tony asks. Nat gets up and slaps him.
"Yeah yeah I am sure. I think she would want you to know."
"Know about what."
"Can you give me a second." You say slightly easing your voice. "Sorry, it's just that Y/n and I are dating."
"I know it. Does she know that you Spider-Man."
"No but I know that she is a superhero."
"Are you going to tell her."
"Can I tell the team."
"No tony, it's a secret."
"Come on."
"Tony no."
"Ok fine.
"Yes Jarvis."
"Y/n needs medical assistance."
"Yeah I am almost there." As we land y/n start flatlining.
"Jarvis alert the team have banner be ready for surgery."
"Yes boss."

Peter and Y/n Princess of AsgardWhere stories live. Discover now