Secrets and promises

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You ended up falling asleep in Peter's arms. You felt protected with Peter around like nothing could go wrong. You wake up the next morning when Peter's alarm went off.

"Good morning my beautiful princess."

"Good morning my handsome prince."

"Are you ready for today?"

"No, can we just stay in bed?"

"No, we have to go to school."

"Fine, shoot I didn't bring anything."

"It's ok We have extra toothbrushes and makeup I guess you can check if May has anything."

"Peter I think you forgetting one important thing."



"Oh um, you kinda the fashionista so you can go through our closets."

"Ok but will May mind?"

"No, she loves you too much maybe even more than me.

"I don't think it's a 'maybe' She does maybe even more than you."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yeah pretty sure."

"I will go to May's room." You go to her room to look for some makeup but decide that it will take too long and you have mostrouizer in your backpack. You walk back to Peter's room and you see him wearing boxers. You blush. He quickly takes his shorts off the floor and covers himself.

"Sorry, I decided not to wear makeup."

"Oh, it's ok I guess it's not the first time."

"Peter, you said I was your first girlfriend."

"You are it's just MJ accidentally walked in on me." You laugh while walking over to him. You kiss him. You go over to his closet and find a white button-up shirt. It's too long for you but you can make it work. You go over to May's closet and find a grey hoodie and a plaid skirt. You change and get ready to go. You check your phone right before you leave to see 50 Missed calls from Tony.

"Y/n are you ok."

"Yeah, Tony just left me 50 missed calls."

"Dang it must be important."

"Yeah let me call him."

"Tony, why the hell did you call me 50 times?"

"Where the hell are you?"

"I am busy."

"Busy with what."


"Oh, this conversation again."

"Yeah, this conversation."

"Well, are you going to school?"

"Yeah, I am on my way now."

"Ok but come home to the tower tonight."

"Fine." You hang up the phone.

"Is Tony OK?"

"Yeah, he is just being an ass."

"I think he is worried about you."

"You think so."


"Well, shall we go?"

"After you."

"Thanks." You walk out of the apartment and go to the subway. You give one of your AirPods to Peter and listen to a lot of different songs. You make it to school and you go to your locker. Peter follows you also since his locker is close to yours. Ned and MJ are at their lockers.

Peter and Y/n Princess of AsgardWhere stories live. Discover now