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As y/n ended up on Earth she ended up next to a huge tower.

This must be a palace, let me introduce myself to the king and queen she thought. As she was about to go in she heard a voice but did not see where it was coming from. Who are you the voice asked. I am y/n princess of Asgard goddess of the mind she replied. Are you Thor's sister? Yes, I am. Give me one moment, please. 5 minutes later the door opens. You are escorted to the elevator. As you are in the elevator it starts to move and you brace for cover. No one says anything out loud but you can hear them saying is she crazy it's just an elevator. The door opens and you see a lot of people and you hear what they are saying in their minds. Hearing everyone's thoughts was kind of a sensory overload. You start to walk but then you have to catch your balance. You start to feel dizzy. Fuck you think as you start to fall down.

Peter and Y/n Princess of AsgardWhere stories live. Discover now