Mission Prep

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You walk to the conference room where Tony is already seated.

"Y/n I have a mission for you."

"Wait like an actual mission cuz all the other missions are to get ice cream from a store two blocks away."

"Yes, an actual mission. You will be helping S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. You will be at a fancy charity event. My intel tells me that there are going to be people using some alien tech to steal something. Your job is to prevent them from doing that." You will need a date, a nice dress, and a nice ride. You can pick that part of the mission. Nat can teach you how to fight in heels."

"Oh my gosh thank you so much I am so excited. Will I have a suit?

"Yeah let me show you." You walk down to the lab. Tony pulls up your suit. It has the same design as Nat but with a mask over it. It is primarily black with gold embroidered on the sides.

"Thank you so much, Tony, I love it."

"You're welcome, kid." You hug Tony and leave to go to the kitchen. Sam is making hash browns and eggs.

"Good morning Sam, It smells great."

"Thanks but what's got you all the chipper this morning did Peter ask you out."

"No, I wish, you are looking at the kid who just got their first mission."

"Great job, when do you leave."

"Tonight at eight."

"Woah that's soon."

"Yeah, it turns out that one of the other agents got hurt so I get to fill in."

"I can't wait to hear all the details when you get back."

" I will make sure to do so."

You go to the couch to text Peter if he will come with you."


Parker, I have this event to go to. Will you come with me? It's something Stark wants me to do.


Sure but what do I have to wear?


A tux.


That might be a deal-breaker


Come on, you will see me in a dress.


OK, bet see you later.



"1 thing done 2 more to go, you say to yourself." You love cars very much so this won't be an issue but getting stark to agree might be. You go back to the lab where Tony is.


"Yeah." He doesn't even look up from the screen."

"You said I can pick my ride so can I get a Pagani Zonda Revolucion please."

"Yeah sure whatever kid." Tony was so focused on his work that he did not even know what he agreed on.

"Sir, breakfast is ready." Jarvis says.

"Thanks, Jarvis."

You both walk up to the table to eat. Everyone but you guys are seated. There is an empty chair for Thor when he is not of the world.

You guys chat while eating before Wand and Nat steal you away.

"Y/n let's go look for your outfit for your mission and your date tomorrow."

Peter and Y/n Princess of AsgardWhere stories live. Discover now