Late night training

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That night you could barely even sleep fearing that Loki would come again. You always kept a dagger in your bedroom(learning from your brother) just in case. That night you thought about how Loki did his famous speech titled " Love is a dagger". You could remember every word that he said.''Love is a dagger," Loki elegantly explains to Sylvie, "It's a weapon to be wielded far away or up close. You can see yourself in it. It's beautiful until it makes you bleed. But ultimately, when you reach for it...." In your head you finished the sentence. "It isn't real," you thought. You wished Loki would come to his scenes. You thought of going back to Asgard maybe he would stop his attack but something came to your mind. When you were younger sometimes father and mother would be in their room and Loki would sit on the throne and when he heard a sound he would run out of the throne room. You said that you would talk to Steve about having a meeting tomorrow and you made it during training time so you would not have to do training even though you wanted to get better to be able to take Steve down or something. Getting tired of thinking of Loki you shifted your thoughts to think of something and anything.

You started thinking of who Spider-Man actually was. You never saw him at the tower but when he was there you were always in your room. So you decided to do some searching online. Ever since you got a computer you learned how to hack. You wanted to hack the Stark mainframe but were worried about getting caught. You hacked into the school mainframe to see if you could find anything on Peter just out of curiosity you always felt like he was never telling you something. When you saw his grades you saw that he was a straight-A student. You kept digging further until you saw that his parents had both died in a plane crash. You felt like you were invading his privacy so you stopped.

Since it was now 1 am you realized you were not going to sleep so you went to the kitchen. On your way to the kitchen, you heard someone in the kitchen. Knowing that most people went to bed early or Tony who was usually in the lab you wondered who was in the kitchen. Your mind went straight to Loki.

What if he got back in and wanted to visit his younger weaker sister? What if.... Was all you could think about. You decided that if you used your power you would probably blow up the tower so you decided to get your dagger. While thinking of the dagger one just appeared in your hands. You were surprised at first but remember the sound. Walking cautiously to the sound with the dagger in hand your heart was beating. You were so scared to see Loki again and what might happen.

As you came to the source of the sound you realized that it was just Natasha.

"Hey y/n... You can put the dagger down now."

Oh sorry I was just being cautious, you said sheepishly."

"Y/n why are you up at 1:30 am?

" Oh.. you pause to think of a reason. I just could not sleep, you know, thinking that she would hopefully believe you."

"Yeah, I had plenty of sleepless nights."

"Nat, why do you look like you just came from a run?"

"Oh I was training and about to head back down again just needed water. Do you want to join me?"

"Oh sure, thanks for inviting me, Let get changed."

This will be a good distraction from all that Loki business and I will get closer to Natasha. She seems like she is in her own world. You change into shorts and a T-shirt and meet her back in the kitchen in five minutes.

You walked with Nat to the training room. Even though you had only been there a week you felt like you had been there for years. You were not a big fan of training but you wanted to clear your mind. Your favorite part of training was sparring, that was the only thing you were good at. You started out with stretching then you worked on push-ups and sit-ups. After Natasha had you spar the only thing you could not do was use your powers just in case you lost control. Natasha was quick with her feet and hard with her punches. Yesterday you read two books yesterday, the first being about fighting and reading people's weaknesses the second book was reading non-verbals. Natasha only had one weakness, her only weakness was being right-handed so if you knocked her right side down then you could easily pin her. Since she was a good fighter you only pinned her down once. After sparring with Natasha and getting your ass beaten you decided to work on your punches.

It was around 4 a.m. when you decided to stop and get ready for the long day ahead. Nat decided to call it quits since she had worked out for longer. You decided to start the conversation since you did not know much about her.

"So Nat, where did you learn to fight like that."

" I learned at a place called the Red Room. It was a very cruel place, I remember having to kill a real person. So what was it like on Asgard she said trying to change the subject."

"It was pretty good but something was not that great, I mean like you had the god of thunder, the god of mischief, and the goddess of death."

Wait, who was the goddess of death, Nat asked?"

"Oh she is Odin's firstborn but she wanted to kill everyone. Odin had to banish her and it is thought that when Odin dies she will come back."

"Dang you got some crazy family shit."

"That's not even all but the only good thing is that I know how to drink cuz we really don't have those dumb laws." You and Natasha laugh.

While you and Natasha are walking to the rooms you meet Tony.

"Hey princess, since today is Friday we are going to have a party and you're invited."

"One great two don't call me princess and three can I drink."

"Fine, you can drink... princess." He starts laughing at how your face went from happy to mad. You want to kill him so you think of the dagger and it appears.

"Woah ok, damn.

"Y/n you such a badass, Nat said before leaving."

"Damn right, I am."

Nat laughed.

I thought you told Wanda that you can only shoot blast or whatnot."

"Yeah, this only appeared today."

Y/n you got to tell me these things, I don't want any incidents happening and I also want to know how you did this." I just thought of a dagger and it appeared. I think I got my special ability from Loki actually. From what I can tell I got all of my abilities from my family and it just combined."

"So the brother that you just saw somehow gave you magical powers or whatever but like what about the family part, he asked again"

"I will discuss that in a meeting and can we have a meeting, please? I think I owe people an apology and one more thing is this spider person going to be there like I know all of your faces but like I have never seen his face before, you asked?"

"Let me talk to the Capsicle about it, and Spider-Man will not come at all, and under no circumstance are you to see Spider-Man without his mask."

"Fine, can we have the meeting at 5:00, I can train with Wanda after it should only take like 30 to 35 minutes."

'Yeah, I also have a gift for you, he said nonchalantly."

"Oh cool, where is it, you asked anxiously."

"I will give it to you before you go to school."

Oh ok, you said as you walked to your room."

Peter and Y/n Princess of AsgardWhere stories live. Discover now