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You get back in your room without getting lost this time. You decided to put on the shirt you wore earlier with your black leggings. You were hoping no one would be in the kitchen while you go. When you went out thankfully no one was there so you left very quietly.
You start walking when Peter catches up to you.
Hey y/n.
"Oh hey Parker, how did you know where I was?"
I was just running when I saw you, you know.
So you live close to the Stark tower, he asked.
"Yeah something like that, you reply."
You guys keep making small talk until you reach the pizza place.
You get a medium cheese pizza for the both of you and Sprite.
You both eat three slices of pizza.
So y/n I have been meaning to ask you where you live not to sound like a creep or anything Well that kind of came out wrong never mind, he asked.
"Oh, I live... You take a moment to think, Close to the Stark tower like to apartment building down, you lie."
"How about you where do you live, you ask trying to change the subject."
Remember I sent it to you on your phone he said while chuckling.
"Oh yeah shit sorry, you say with an embarrassed laugh."
At this point, it's 9:45 and you wonder what the Avengers with think when you are not there.
"Oh I should get going I don't want my parents getting mad, you say."
Yeah can I walk you home, he asks.
"Yeah sure, you say."
Why did I say he could walk me home I live with the Avengers. I am screwed, fuck myself.
While you are walking down the street you pass the Avengers Tower.
"Hey, Parker I think I should walk home from here I don't want my parents getting suspicious you know."
Yeah, I understand.
When you see him turn the corner you go to the tower.
You see many faces looking at you when you get up to the kitchen, some look mad, some look like they don't care whiled others look pissed.

Peter and Y/n Princess of AsgardWhere stories live. Discover now