Finally Home again

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"Welcome back Princess."

"Thank you, Heimdall." I walk to the Palace the guards greet me. I kneel before my father and mother.

"Rise Y/n welcome home my daughter," Father says. I stand up.

"Thank you, how are you doing?"

"As well as I can," Father says.

"And mother?"

"I am doing alright." She says.

"As next in line we must train you."

"Yes Father, when do I start."

"Tomorrow, you are dismissed." I curtsy and then leave. Instead of going to my room

"Wow isn't this a sight to see. My brother locked up in

"Sister how nice of you to visit. How did you enjoy my last visit?

"It was a visit alright." He smiles.

*But it did work."

"Yes, it did. I guess you're proud."

"Yes, I am ."

"Well, brother I hope you like your animal cage." With that, I walk away. I go to my room and lie on my bed. Everything is different but at the same time, it's the same. You fall asleep drifting off to Dreamworld. The next morning I am awoken by one of the servants named Sasha.

"Good morning Princess Alana."

"Good morning Sasha."

"Your outfit is ready for today and so is breakfast. After you have trained with the All-Father."

"Thank you, Sasha." Sasha leaves you to get ready. After you shower you put on a red dress that was prepared for you and head towards the dining room. Thor is there and so is Mother.

"Good morning mother and brother."

"Ah good morning Alana." Thor says.

After breakfast instead of father coming to take you mother does. She takes you into an empty ballroom.

"As you were away in Midguard, I hope you didn't forget about your manners. Your title will be a queen but you will act as king. You will have to go into battle and so you must train for that."

"Mother I trained in Midguard."

"Yes I can see that but you have not unlocked all of your powers. It is believed that since you are the goddess of the mind you should be able to do more than just read thoughts. I believe that if you progress you should be able to use psionic energy and maybe dream enhancement.

"Are you saying that if I get better I could make a fake reality? I mean destroy someone from the inside out without touching them."

"Essentially yes, but you have to learn to control that."

"How do I start?"

"Well for starters I want you to put me to sleep and then wake me up." She says. It sounds a little crazy. She lays down on a chair.

"Okay." I close my eyes and focus on my mom thinking of putting her to sleep. I successfully did it. She sleeps peacefully but now I have to wake her up without touching her. I close my eyes and I focus. Instead of waking her up, I see her dream. I snap out of it and focus on waking her up. She wakes up a few seconds later.

"Good job Y/n."

"Mother the first time I tried to wake you up I ended up in your dreams."

"Yes, I suppose it's normal for your first time."

"Oh okay, what next?"

"It's time for you to train. You will be with Thor and Father will be watching you."

"Yes, mother." You put on a random outfit. It's nothing like you would wear at the compound. You go to the training room and Thor and Father are there.

"Welcome sister."

"Thank you." I bow before Father.

"Y/n and Thor begin. Anything is allowed just don't kill each other." As he says that you pull out your dagers and get into position. Thor advances first and you block his hit. You take the opportunity to sweep his leg and he falls. He quickly stands up before you can do anything.

"Nice sister."

"Thank you, brother." You guys keep training and most of the time Thor keeps you on the floor because of his strength. You start to get mad. Your eyes start glowing with a yellow tint.

"Sister your eyes."

"I know." You roll your eyes. Once again you get pinned and can't take it anymore. You use your powers to get into Thor's mind and start to cause pain. He can't move because of the pain.

"Y/N!" Father yells. You stop and take a step back.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry."

"It's fine, were did you learn to do that?" Thor takes a little while to stand up.

"I don't know I was mad, I guess I lost control."

"That is eno-." Father gets into a coughing fit. You run up to him to make sure he is alright.

"Father, are you alright?"

"Yes, I am fine." He continues to cough but not as badly.

"Anyway you two are dismissed." You and Thor leave. You go to your room to shower. After showering you read some of your books.

Peter and Y/n Princess of AsgardWhere stories live. Discover now