Is this the end

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It was the second week of July and you started preparing for Peter's birthday. You were thinking of something on the internet when Nat came in.

"Hey, what are you looking for? Nat asked."

"A birthday gift for Peter."

"Awwww found anything."

"No, Nat can we go to your room later to talk please."

"Yeah of course, So what are you thinking of?" Maybe a Lego set. He said that he has always wanted a Lego Death Star set.

"That's a good idea." You order it and write a note with it.

"So you wanna talk now."

"Yeah, sure." You follow her to her room.

"What's up?" She asked.

"Uhh so Peter, sneaks out of my room very late and won't come back until early in the morning, and when Aunt May died and I was helping him pack I went to his closet and saw and red and blue suit with a spider emblem on it. Every time he goes out the next day there is news on how Spider-Man saved the city." You started to cry at this point.

"Y/n come here." She hugs you.

"I am so sorry."

"I tried to ignore it but-"

"So you don't have to say anything." You two sit in the embrace until you stop crying.

"What should I do?"

"I guess you should ask and if he denies it then I guess you know what you should do."

"I guess your right. I will ask him tonight. Thank you."

"Yeah of course." You go to Wanda's room next.

"Hey, Wanda."

"Hey y/n we're you crying."

"Yeah, um I found something out with Peter and our relationship could be over, I mean I hope not."

"Y/n come here."

"God, you're making me cry again." You were down and not focused the whole day. Peter could sense that too but you did not tell him. After dinner, you took him to your room.

"Hey Peter, we need to talk."

"About what?"

"Umm, so I know you Spider-Man."

"No, I am not that crazy," Peter says while frozen.

"Peter, what's crazy is that you keep bullshiting me." You start to yell.

"I would tell you if I was Spider-Man, don't you think?"

"No, you really think that I am stupid, I can read your fucking thoughts."

"Fine fine yes I Am Spider-Man."

"Peter, why didn't you tell me? I trusted you with my secret." You say still yelling.

"I did it to protect you."

"How could you protect me? I live with the fucking Avengers in the Avengers tower and I am the daughter of the al-father. You have to come up with a better excuse." You start crying. Steve comes in from all the yelling.

"Steve, please get out."

"Y/n your eyes are glowing."

"Oh, that is just a curse that I have to live with for the rest of my life." You start to raise your voice. Steve leaves.

Peter and Y/n Princess of AsgardWhere stories live. Discover now