Chapter Twenty-Three

Start from the beginning

Beckoning with her free hand she turned back on herself, hesitantly Kelsey and Sean followed behind her.

"It's such a beautiful night tonight." Martha continued. "Rarely get such a clear sky." Sliding the patio door back open, she stepped out into the cool air. Solar lights lined the pathway that lead to large cherry blossom tree that sat at the bottom of the garden. Fairy lights wound around the branches, their twinkling lights illuminating the metal table that Sean's dad was currently sat at, his face in it's usual stoic expression. He raised a hand in greeting.

"A little bit chilly but a beautiful night nonetheless. Here, darling." Martha stopped by an open storage box, grabbing a thick blanket from within. "You chuck this over your shoulders." Smiling she wrapped it around Kelsey, impressively so with two wine glasses still gripped in one of her hands. The soft fabric sunk over Kelsey's frame, holding her in a warm hug.

"Thank you." Kelsey said, adjusting her grip on the blanket so that it didn't slip off. Martha smiled back at her before returning to the path, passing by well maintained flower beds where the tulips were in full bloom and the lavender filled the air with it's unmistakable scent. Sean's arm gently wrapped around her waist, his hand laying gently on her hip as they continued down the path. He looked down at Kelsey, his eyes sparkling with the lights that surrounded them. Gently he reached forward and untucked a lock of red hair trapped beneath the blanket, slowly pulling it through his fingers till it fell lightly against her shoulder.

He stared down at her, awe stricken. He feared that if he were to blink she'd disappear, that maybe this was some incredibly detailed dream that he was bound to wake up from. Alone. In the silence of his empty townhouse back in London.

Kelsey had brought so much light and colour into his life in such a small amount of time. If he were dreaming, he wished that he'd never wake up.

Approaching the table Sean broke his connection with Kelsey to pull out a chair. The cold metal jolting him from his deep thoughts, he stepped back to allow Kelsey to sit.

"Always the gentlemen." Kelsey said as she took the seat smiling in gratitude.

Taking his own seat next to hers he could feel the prying eyes of his parents on them. Adjusting his posture he looked up.

"Can I get you any drinks?" His mum immediately said. "I was heading in to get your father and myself a top up." She waved the empty glasses back and worth.
"Thank you but I'm fine at the moment, Mrs. Henderson." Kelsey replied, shuffling the slipping blanket back over her shoulder.
"Martha." His mum corrected, laughing lightly. "Please, Kelsey. Call me Martha." Her eyes fell on Sean. "Would you like anything, dear?"
"I'm good, mum."
"Right I'll be two ticks."

She retreated back up the steps, walking at a brisk pace. The reason certainly being that she didn't want to miss out on anything said at this table.

"So." Jerry's voice was deep. "What brings you back here, Kelsey?" He sat back in his chair, his woollen cardigan wrapped tightly around his body to fight off the brisk chill. Kelsey was taken aback by the sudden question, her eyes darting to look up at the stars above as she calculated the best way to answer this question. Her hand nervously fidgeted with her grandma's ring.

"Oh..well. Um." She began, her mind racing to find the right formation of words to say aloud. Seans hand reached out, taking her fidgeting hand in his own, soothingly tracing her knuckles with his thumb. He maintained eye contact with his father, a carefree smile on his face.

"Now that's a complicated question to ask, dad." His voice low, though his smile remained his tone hinted that not to push the original circumstance for Kelsey's being back in this town.

Jerry nodded slowly, his tense demeanour relaxing slightly.
"My apologies, Kelsey. I didn't mean to pry." He said.

"No it's ok, Mr. Henderson. Let's just say I came home to sort out some things long in need of resolution." Kelsey answered. Smiling up at the greying gentlemen sat opposite her.

"Call me Jerry. My wife would probably breakdown if you continue the formalities." Jerry laughed, his cheeks round and glazed red. "I think it breaks her heart to hear you go back to calling us by our last name. She still sees you as family." If on cue the sound of the french doors sliding open alerted them to Martha's return. Jerry sat forward, resting his elbows on his knees.

"I hope you managed to resolve whatever issue it was that you had." He whispered in a hushed tone, a knowing look in his eyes. Kelsey's heart was in her throat.
"Not fully, but I have no doubt it'll get sorted."

Shuffling across the garden path Martha hurriedly took her seat at the table, handing over a full glass of rosé to her husband in the process.

"So, darling." She sang. "Tell me what have you been up to these past few years?" Martha took a long sip of her wine before folding her arms over one another on top of the table, leaning in expectantly, excited anticipation to hear Kelsey's response.

"Oh gosh, nothing overly enthralling." Kelsey laughed. "I completed my degree at the Royal Academy of Music. I'm now working in a restaurant." Kelsey's raised her eyebrows. "So that degree hasn't gone anywhere."

Sean squeezed her hand reassuringly, a small gesture that didn't go unnoticed by Martha. She hid her growing grin behind her wine glass, her eyes fighting the urge not the glance back down at the entwined hands of Kelsey and Sean.

"But I'm enjoying it." Kelsey said. "Have a steady progression path laid out for me there."
"Sounds like you're doing well for yourself." Martha said, half her face still hidden behind her wine glass.

"Oh I am. Not nearly as well as Sean though." Kelsey laughed leaning towards Sean. His face fell slightly at the mention of his name. Jerry's brow furrowed and Martha's overly happy facial expression became one of confusion instead.

"Oh really?" Martha asked, fishing for an explanation.

Kelsey waited a second to see it Sean was opposed to this topic of conversation.
"Yeah." Kelsey dragged out, scanning Sean's face for any sign that he didn't want her to say anymore. He dropped his head and sighed, collecting himself he gave Kelsey's hand another squeeze before meeting her gaze with a confident nod.

"Yeah mum. I'm doing quite well indeed." He turned to face the wide eyes of his mother. "Recently got a promotion as the head of Sales and Marketing."

Kelsey felt the swell of pride warm her chest. This was Sean's moment, the recognition he deserved from his parents. Martha lost her grip on her glass, spilling a small amount of wine across the table. Jerry stared on in shock, his mouth opening and shutting yet no words could make themselves heard.

"I...Didn't know that, um. That personal trainers had a head of sales and marketing?" Jerry managed to say.

"That's because I'm not a personal trainer anymore, dad. I haven't been for a couple years now." Sean said.

"Oh sweetie! Why didn't you tell-" Martha stopped herself, reading Sean's facial expression she knew deep down the many reasons why he wouldn't have told them. Guilt swam through her body as she looked at eldest son, it was as if she was seeing him for the first time. He was no longer a child but a man, and she had completely missed that transition in his life.

Placing her glass on the table, she looked at Sean full of sincerity.
"Well done, Sean. I'm so proud of you."

The sound of the french doors sliding open disrupted the moment. All four heads turning in unison to see the interruption.

"Mind if we crash this gathering?" Jake slurred. He stood in the doorway, backlit by the light in the living room. He stood with his arm around a woman wearing nothing but a short, black body con dress that barely covered her assets. Squinting, Kelsey sensed something familiar about this woman. But the lighting made it hard to pinpoint what that familiarity may be.

Jake stumbled forward, taking a swig from the liquor bottle in his hand. Pulling the equally intoxicated woman closer to him, his hand roaming down the side of her body.
"You all remember Scarlett, right?" His eyes landed on Kelsey's, a sadistic grin spreading across his face.

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