Chapter 109 - Corrida Colloseum: Stalker

Start from the beginning

"Who the hell wants to see the weak get crushed to a bloody pulp? The crowd thirsts for battle, between strong and manly warriors! This is no place for the likes of you! So piss off!" He barked at us, the word manliness directed towards me, to which I quietly scoffed.

He wound his arm back, "Here, let me help 'ya!" He aimed for Luffy, who moved closer to his left, simply dodging the punch with little to no effort needed.

Luffy's shoulder hit mine, and the man punch again, this time if I didn't move I would be hit. I dodged left as Luffy dodged right, the punch going through where we stood. The man who was punching us, Spartan, I think he was called, got angry and continued to relentlessly aim at us, to which both of us just kept dodging. Because of how big he was, I didn't need Observation Haki. I don't think Luffy did either.

Luffy dodged once more, but grabbed the hand he dodged and started spinning him around like a top, making the competitors, including Spartan himself gasp in shock. Luffy proceded to slam his body on the gound, opposite of the side I was on.

Standing behind Luffy, I could still see the broken cement below the combater. It was dead silent as the dust settled, and I could feel everyones eyes in this direction, specifically on Luffy.  He looked up and chuckled, "My kinda place!"

"Woah! Did you see what that shrimp did to him?!" [Competitor]

"He just took down Spartan like it was nothing!" [Competitor]

"That's insane! He was one of the star competitors of the colosseum!" [Competitor]

"I dunno! Maybe he just tripped over himself!" [Competitor]

"That wouldn't lodge you in the ground!" [Competitor]

'And... we've still drawn attention...'

"Now, where too..." [Luffy]

"Did you start a fight before the event?" A voice said from behind Luffy. It was a tall man who dressed like the staff I'd seen around, "I'm afraid you're gonna have to leave. We don't need trash like you starting brawls before the match!" The man said to Luffy.

I put my hand on Luffy's chest and push him behind me, making me face the guard, bringing the politest tone to my voice, "I'm sorry, but that simply didn't happen!-"

I was swiftly cut off by a battle axe being flung and lodging itself between me and the staff member, scaring me and the man, as Luffy seemed unfazed, watching over my shoulder.

"Come on. Knock it off, you two." I looked to where the axe was thrown to see three men, all not very pleasant looking. They looked more like warriors than boxers, if you get what I mean.

One had long orange hair in a ponytail with a crooked smile and a green cloak, with a chestplate of gold and three swords on his back. 

The one next to him, both with the heights of giants, hat long black hair. he was the one who threw the axe, had tanner skin and black hair standing wavily up, with a white piece of lacey cloth around his neck and another green cloak, as well as wearing a scowl.

The man behind them, taller than either of them, was wearing a large green shirt and had a long white beard with a very pointed forehead, and a tattoo over his left eyebrow, saying '12'.

The man with black hair stepped forward and pointed to the body behind Luffy and I, "The big guy started a fight he couldn't handle. He's the one you should disqualify!"

"If he weren't unconscious," The man with orange hair laughed.

Someone behind me spoke aloud, "I-I can't believe it! That's Sai and Boo from Kano! And that's Don Chin Jau behind them!"

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