Chapter 60 - Camie: My Dad?

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(I put two chapters in one to celebrate 50K AND 60 chapters, like holy toledo Batman, we went from Alabasta to here!)

~~~Somewhere else~~~

'Keep checking u on all the kidnapping teams in the Archipelago! Find out whose behind this, and don't forget to retrieve the other Straw Hat members!" [Duval]

"Roger!" [Rosy Life Riders, Usopp, Chopper, Brook]

"There's no time to lose! Hurry!" [Duval]

"Right!" [Everyone]

"We're all set." [Duval]

"Like hell we are! Can't you do something about this cow?! I should've ridden a flying fish too." [Sanji]

"Eh? Did you say "handsome" just now?" [Duval]

"Hell no! Aren't you supposed to be the fastest on the team?!" [Sanji]

"Eh? No, I'm the most handsome on the team!" [Duval]

"Just step on it, you idiot!" [Sanji]

~~~BAck with (Y/N)~~~

I had the man in my arms as Zoro walked next to me, both of us on our way to the hospital.

Once we stepped inside, I started getting nervous, seeing how so many people were staring at us. Probably because Zoro had three swords on his hips.

"Hey! Any doctors here?!" Zoro yelled as I hushed him, reminding him that we were in a hospital.

The doctor from before ran up to us and told him to be quieter while asking me what was wrong with the man.

"This man is hurt and needs urgent care, so I brought him to the closest hospital," I said, and I could sense Zoro staring at me.

The doctor nodded and checked, mumbling about a collar.

"Yes... let's see... no collar..."

"Does it matter if he has one?" Zoro asked, putting a hand on my shoulder and pulling me and the man away slightly.

"Yes. Medical Treatment for slaves costs 50 more..."

I visibly stiffened, and I think Zoro noticed.

" sometimes it's easier to just buy a– Woah!"

Zoro slammed his white katana on the ground while holding the handle and yelled, "This man is hurt, that's all! You gonna help him or not?!"

"Y-Yes, yes, right away!" The doctor was sweating as he turned to me with pleading eyes, "Please, carry him right inside!"

Once we left the man in.. supposedly good hands, we left the hospital. Zoro stopped just outside and took a few large glances around, disgust written on his features.

"This island is so messed up..." I mumbled, rubbing my temples. I'm not going to unload a ton of information onto Zoro right now, so I just heaved a heady sigh.

As my head was in my hands, I felt Zoro's arm pull me in for a hug. It was brief, and gentle, very unlike Zoro– I almost thought it wasn't him.

He pulled away so fast I couldn't see his face, "I'll be heading back to the ship, you coming?" He asked, facing away.

Even though he couldn't see me, I shook my head, "No, I have one more thing to get still." I smiled slightly, looking at his swords.

He nodded and walked away, as I walked back in the direction of a nearby jewelry shop.

Oh Boy ~ [Female Reader x Various One piece]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя