Chapter 111 - Block B: Battle!

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(A/N: IMPORTANT: "Underlined thoughts like this." means that (Y/N) is thinking of something someone else said. Sort of like a flashback!)

"Good Luck getting outta that one!" The announcer said as we walked up behind the gladiators crowding the window to the stage. We kept hearing of a gladiator who hadn't even been touched yet.

Luffy was jumping, trying to see over everyone, but I glanced to see a few less-crowded windows, so I pulled him over there, as we squeezed through to get to the front. The people around this window were tall, so they didn't mind that we wanted to see, since it didn't hinder their vision any.

There was an incredibly large man at the center of the stage, and it looked like everyone was ganging up on him. He had four or five chains around his arms, thrown by the gladiators on stage, and he looked to be stuck.

He was easily three times Luffy's height, and probably twice of Franky's. He had one arm in sleeved armor and a gold belt on with classic burlap gladiator shorts, and, this guy had a bag over his head, which made the whole scene look strange, not to mention the dirty purple hair sticking out of the bottom and how absolutely built this fighter was.

We watched as many gladiators lept, 20 normal men and a giant, went to attack him, but without moving, all of them were shot into the air, with what I believed to sense as Haki. All of the fighters either hit the stage hard, rendering them unconscious if they weren't already, and the others landed in the water, feeding the school of Fighting Fish mentioned previously.

Looking closer, the bag said 'Happy Store'. The writing was upside down, with two eye holes cut into the bag between the two words, as the man in the bag watched dozens upon dozens of men fall to their loss.

After the last man landed, which was the giant who made a large crash, the people in the stadium were too shocked to cheer, at least, until the realization hit them that the fight was over, then they roared and clapped to no end.

"He ended the fight in a mere moment!" The announcer yelled over the crowd, "I do believe that the Colosseum has found a new hero!"

Luffy and I looked at each other, mine showing slight concern, while his only looking for my reaction.

The announcer gasped, "Hang on!"

Both of our heads turned to see the winner holding a hand on his face, grasping the bag.

"H-He's taking it off!" I said, leaning on the banister as did Luffy.

"The mask is off!" The announcer yelled, as my eyes widened.

I recognized the face.

The crowd's cheers went from excited to terrified.

"I see!" The announcer yelled, shocked then excited, "It seems our mystery man is a fighter famous across the world! It seems the winner of Block A is..."

"That guy?!" Luffy gasped.

Luffy was shaking, as was I, but each for different reasons. It was one of Blackbeard's cronies, announced as "First Division Captain serving under the fearsome warlord, Emperor Blackbeard, Jesus Burgess!"

The crowd was mortified, as were all of the contestants. Fighting that guy would be like fighting Zoro, the second in command. It's just not plausible. You will die. And since he's a pirate, that means no mercy.

"Well, at least he's not in our block, or Rebecca's..." I shakily mumbled.

"It's him! That champion guy I saw way back!" Luffy said slightly shaky and I turned to him.

Oh Boy ~ [Female Reader x Various One piece]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora