Chapter 25 - He fell! : The Sniper and The Cook

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 ( A/N - It's Brittney bitch-)

Eneru went flying pretty far, though still on the ship. He dropped his spear, and I found this the right time. I surrounded my hands with wood and grabbed the spear. Before I knew it, I had thrown it overboard. I looked so confident, but now all three of us were separated.

As I made my way towards Luffy and Nami (Nami being on the left side of the ship, me on the right, and Luffy in the middle with Eneru) Before I heard an unsettling noise.

The ship was now unstuck from the earth and was heading upwards into the sky along with the huge lightning cloud. I almost lost my balance, but the side of the ship helped me. I need to regroup with Nami and Luffy.

"You defeated Eneru! B-But the ship's flying away!" I heard Nami yell at Luffy.

Suddenly I heard a slight clamp on the deck, though only slightly because of my distance. Eneru was somehow alive...

"HOW THE FU-" I yelled before I was cut off by a sudden jerk of the ship.

Eneru started mumbling but I couldn't hear him. I decided to think of a way to get off of the ship after Luffy defeats Eneru, or even before.

I peered over the edge to see... oh dear that's... a big distance between the ground and my...feet... Oh god, I'm gonna throw up...

I sat down rather forcefully leaning against the side of the ship. My head was spinning. Did it have to be heights? I could hear some blurred yelling, but I couldn't understand well what was going on...

I couldn't understand... until my hands were strapped to the side of the ship by gold. I turned frantically, trying to pull and pull on the gold loop around my hands and on the side of the ship, but it just wouldn't budge.

"H-Hot! Lu-"

"O-OW HOT!" I was going to call for help until I saw he had a giant ball twice my size around his hand. Oh boy... this isn't going well.

Eneru was monologuing, but I couldn't hear him. I decided to focus on my hands and try to free them. I was pulling for about a minute or 2 until I heard a loud smash from about a meter away.

It was Luffy. Eneru had thrown the gold ball over the edge pulling him overboard.

"Luffy!" I struggled to get free even more. He seemed to notice only now that I was trapped, which is understandable, he had his own... issue.

"(Y/N)-" He hit his back on the wall close to me. His rubber arm was stretching across the ship.

"Luffy! I'll think of something! Don't worry!"

He looked at me for a second. Then Eneru came over and traded insults with my captain, then proceeded to throw him over the side. Thankfully, the gold loop around my hands was high enough for me to see over the side of the ship. 

I jumped up and turned towards the edge.

"Luffy!" I watched him fall. He was almost falling slowly. I could've sworn he yelled something. Now that I think about it, his lips moved... Something like...I'll save... or something...

As Eneru walked away, Nami came by my side and peered over the edge with me.

"That's... Aisa... and Pierre..." [Nami]

"Who's that?" [(Y/N)]

"Friends of Wyper. They'll help Luffy." [Nami]

"So that's who it was, the sly voice I've been hearing." [Eneru]

"Holy shit where did you come from?!" [(Y/N)]

He looked at me for a second, then returned his attention overboard. We heard a loud echoing voice that was kind of scary to me...

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