Chapter 68 - Reunion in Hell; Friend and Foe

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I watched both sides of the room as Lucci left, seeing the door he left out of, and another door on the opposite side.

I heard a click on the stopwatch in my mother's hand, "You heard that arrogant human, 5 minutes on the clock." She smiled and put her hands behind her back, "I've been waiting so long to be reunited with you, my sweet (Y/N)-"

"C-Cut the crap..." I stuttered, not thinking straight.

My thoughts were more of, instead of meeting my mother after a long period of time, it was like reuniting with a cheat.

Her smile faded as she looked down at me. She was rather tall, a little taller than 6 ft, "I see, so you still hold that silly little grudge against me," She turned, her back to me, "Honestly, I don't see why you're mad. I should be the one who's mad." She turned back around and sat on the red couch, crossing her legs, "You left me all on my lonesome after your shitty father left."

I fell to my knees, my hands limp in my lap, "M-Mad...?"



"No shit I'm mad! I'm furious!" I stood up my leg being held back by the stone wall, which was slightly cracking from the amount of pressure I put on it, "You think I left for no reason? Because I felt like it?! I left for a logical goddamn reason and I guarantee you know that reason!-" I stopped myself, looking into her confident eyes that told me everything.

'Calm down...'


'She's trying to get a rise out of you...right? She doesn't actually think she was a good mother, right?'

"I wish you could've stayed," My breath hitched as I looked down. Was that real sympathy in her voice?... "I would've brought you with me, and we would've had a wonderful life without your deadbeat father."

I sat down, sorting through my thoughts, cross legged.

'We had 5 minutes, right? About a minute should be gone now. I might be able to get some answers, if I just stay, calm.'

"Would you now?" I looked up, anger still written on my face.

She chuckled lowly, clearly thinking she was getting to me, "I could still take you, y'know? We could live the life together, the one you always dreamed of. I know how much you searched for my approval when you were a kid, and I...apologize... for not giving you more." her fist clenched, seeming to be angry when she said apologize, and I could practically hear her teeth grinding together.

I thought for a moment, "Why would you give me a second chance?" I tried pulling all of the memories of my mother as I could, even though it kind of hurt.

She nodded, an obvious smirk growing on her face, "Well, when I would, you would marry a wonderful man and be happy-"

"Har Har." [(Y/N)]

Her expression dropped.


Her stopwatch clicked three minutes.

"Excuse me...?" She said bittersweetly.

"I caught you in your lie." [(Y/N)]

She stayed silent, an snarl visible on her face.

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