Chapter 37 - He's After Who? : She Did What?!

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Previous: He tumbled his forearms together, before shooting his arms up in the air, his fists back to back and leaning sideways, making a now complete star tattoo on his arms.

"... Franky!" He finished.


A dramatic explosion went off behind Franky and his two underlings as people around us started fleeing.

I wish we did as well, but stubborn old Luffy.

I'm sure he knows. Franky, I mean. I bet he knows what I did to the Franky house and he is gonna kill me for it oh I should have never held the briefcase or gotten involved!

I was silently freaking out, causing Nami to worry about me.

"(Y/N), Are you ok?!"

I was staring at the figures on the bridge, almost lifelessly as Nami shook my shoulders.

"I-I-It's F-Franky. I-I'm gonna die for d-destroying his house!" I said, my soul practically leaving my body.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Nami yelled at me while Luffy stood up on the Yagara.

"Show yourself, Red (Y/N)!" Franky yelled.

I squealed silently as I looked around. There were only a few Yagara around us. The majority fled already.

"HoW dId He KnOw It WaS mE?!" I squeaked as I held me hands to my head.

"You must be here, Red (Y/N)!" Franky yelled again, causing crocodile tears to stream down my face.

"What the heck? That perv called (Y/N)'s name."

"(Y/N), that's Franky, right?!" Nami asked me.

Luffy turned to me and I nodded frantically. He turned back, angry and stunned, "So he is... He is..." Luffy voice was shaking in anger.

"Luffy, don't do something rash..." I said to him, but it was too late.

"Luffy?" Nami asked. Luffy's fist was shaking as much as his voice.

"OI, Bikini guy!" Luffy yelled.

"Hey, Luffy!" Nami and me whined in unison.

"Huh?" Franky said.

"(Y/N) is right here!"

"AHH LUFFY WHY?!?!" I cried a little too loud.

"RED (Y/N)!" Franky yelled, "So that voice must be... Straw Hat Luffy!"

"You went on quite a rampage while I was gone, didn't you?" Franky asked, meaning what I did to the house, popping his neck in the process.

Then he started... singing on rhythm with his anthem again...? "When I got back, I couldn't believe my eyes. Well, my house is totally unrecognizable. How dare you also treat my underlings so badly?"

Him and the two next to him put their hands in an 'X' form, "I can't take it anymore. No one can stop me this week! No matter what you say, I'll tear the one responsible like rags, my anger won't subside!"

"Hey you!" Nami yelled, causing me to silently try to hush her.

"What'd you do with our money?! The 200 million Berries?! Give it back to us!"

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