Chapter 19 - Two Different Hunts Begin! : Gold and Survival!

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"SEE! JUST LIKE WE SAID! SOMEONE WAS HERE!" Usopp and I yelled at the crew as we boarded the now-fixed Merry. All of the decorations and equipment for the ride up the Knock-up stream were gone and it was back to its original form. The person who fixed it, how did they know what it looked like before?

"I KNEW IT!" Usopp turned to me and dragged me over towards the poorly repaired mast, "So it wasn't a dream!" He almost cried.

The most impressive part was the fact that the mast was back. We only saw one person, and they didn't look strong enough to lift the mast by themselves.

Usop was dragging me around with him, pointing at the fixings like I didn't see the dream last night with him.

"Ok, just so we are clear, NO ONE came back last night to fix the merry?" I said to the group. They all looked at me and then shook their heads. I put pressure on my temples and groaned, "Then how did they know what Merry looked like before we got here? Before we added the Flying equipment?!" I looked at everyone, and they shrugged me off. Well, everyone but Usopp and Robin. Ranked by smarts on the crew, Usopp is an easy 4th place. He is very strategic and cal thinks well in in-the-moment situations.

"Wel then, who fixed it?" Usopp groaned a hint of fear in his voice.

"Do you think someone stopped away on our ship?" I turned to him questioningly.

"That's hight;y unlikely," Robin chimed in, "From when we left Jaya to now, I guarantee all of the rooms on the Merry have been looked through by at least one crew member."

"That's a good point..." I groaned.

"It's best not to think about it. The point is, it's fixed! So we can now go look for the City of Gold!" Robin chimed in from where the steering wheel was.

I sighed and turned to Usopp, "I guess it is best not to think about..." He solemnly nodded, understanding where I was coming from.

"Wow, what nice people!" Luffy said, chuckling. I sighed and decided to stand next to him for no reason.

"Luffy, from what Usopp and I saw, there was only one person." He looked at me funny then smiled.

"Cool! So someone really strong is here?!" He got in my face, making me slightly pink.

I pushed him away and sighed, "I assume so. To be able to lift the mast on your own must take a lot of Muscle power." I said, looking back at the said mast. We sat in silence together as the rest of the group discussed.

"What are you all lofing around for? We have things to do y'know! (Y/N), come here!" Nami yelled while pointing at me. I jumped down and Luffy held onto0 my shoulders, receiving himself an involuntary piggyback ride. Involuntary for me, that is. He wrapped his legs 10x around my waist so I couldn't just buck him off.

"(Y/N), What do you think is the best way to get the gold?" Nami looked at me while the others still talked. I sweatdropped at the fact that she only said gold and not a way to get off of this island. Luffy was listening, though I didn't care because he never follows plans anyway.

Before we could discuss it, we were called off of the ship so the others could move it. Nami and I stood on Upper Yard, discussing the plan until everyone joined us about 20 minutes later.

"Well... We need to get out of here as well, but splitting us into too small of groups is a bad idea, so I say we make 2 groups." More people were listening now. I looked up to address them, "We will need an escape group and a group to actually get the gold itself."

"I wanna get gold!" Luffy yelled and shook my shoulders.

"Alright, who wants to go with Luffy and get the gold?" I looked at everyone. No one said anything so I sighed, "Well then I'll decide. Robin, you wanted to see ruins earlier, yes? You'll go with Luffy. And he will need a doctor, so Chopper will go. And Zoro can go because it would be helpful to have someone strong on that team."

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