Chapter 10 - Bye Ace : Mr.0

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After running into a man named Scorpion who was after Ace and his bounty, Ace parts ways with us and gives Luffy a Vivre card (and me because he was scared Luffy might lose his own), all of us getting separated, getting back together again, dealing with desert pirates, AND meeting that nice old man from the sandstorm town, and Luffy and Vivi's fight... I explained that Croco was stationed at Rainbase, a gambling city. I pointed to Rainbase on the map that Vivi brought and Usopp looked at me.

"How do you know this stuff (Y/N)?" Usopp asked.

"Well, I was Mr. 2's partner, and I was usually around Croco, unfortunately, so if we are careful, we should be able to get in there quietly." I put my hand on my chin, thinking, trying to find a plan that would work without getting the people, the billions, the number of workers, or the rebellion riled up. 

I unconsciously said, "Oh boy, this one's gonna be tough..."


We finally made it to Rainbase and Luffy was fired up. I stood between Zoro and Sanji because I was nervous he was going to drag me away, so I stayed away. 

Luffy ran off with Usopp, so I had nothing to fear, he had his buddy. I turned to Zoro after he bickered with Sanji for a bit, "Hey Zoro, you have battle experience, right?"

He looked at me, not expecting the question, "I guess I do, why'd you need to know?"

"Well, we found out Baroque works knows everyone but Sanji's face, and he wants you all dead and me alive..." I paused, hoping he was keeping up.

"Go on..." He said, a little annoyed.

"W-Well, should I go on my own, or stay with someone else?"

"That's a good question, it may be best to stay in small groups." Zoro finished by turning to the other Straw Hats, as he got their attention. I slouched next to Zoro as he started messing with the camel and a stick, 

"Don't get too comfortable (Y/N), I'm sure even Luffy will find trouble here, so be ready to run."

"Oh boy, that would suck. He's not that dumb, is he?" I joked, nudging Zoro in the arm.

He snickered and said, "Well, you can't expect too much from the guy, I'll say that much." I laughed as we heard yelling and footsteps.

"Already?!" I moaned as Sanji said it was Luffy being chased by marines.

Zoro grinned in an 'I-told-you-so' kind of way and I just rolled my eyes and started to run.

"HEY, GUYS I THINK THE MARINES ARE HERE!" Luffy screamed from behind us, Usopp's wails being heard close behind.

"YA' THINK?!" Zoro yelled back as I whined and kept running.

Luffy told us we are going to go now and kick Croco's ass, and Sanji said it'd be better if we all split up. We all nodded and broke off into branches. They split into two ways, but I stayed with Luffy, to his shock.

"(Y/N)?" He questioned as I got next to him.

"If you're going to infiltrate the main layer, I should stay with you, I know my way around that place!"

He smirked and then nodded, "Right!" He dropped one of the barrels and held my hand, as he jumped up and over a building to lose the marines. I screamed, but more of a fun scream. 

I was getting a little used to it, surprisingly.

"Smokey! Hey! BlaH!" Luffy stuck his tongue out, flipping upside down as we went through the air.

"Luffy! Don't aggravate him!" I scolded as he just chuckled. Smokey yelled a move and the next thing I knew, Luffy and I both had a cloud around our waists like a lasso. 

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