Chapter 31 - See ya Jonny! : Foxy again?!

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Nami was explaining the plan to everyone and asked me to explain it to Luffy. I took off the suction shoes and stood next to Luffy, who was sitting playing with the reef.

"Luffy..." I muttered quietly. Before I could say anything, he hugged me silently. I was shocked but reciprocated.

"As you're captain I command you to never do something like that again."

"Something like what Luffy?"

"Don't make a big risk like that without my permission."

"Well, some risks need to be made for survival as a pirate, but I won't pull this exact stunt again. How about that?"

He smiled and nodded his head wildly.

"Okay, now what I came to see you for. I was not there for it, but I heard that there was an octopus that floated us down from Skypiea."

"Oh, yea! Wanna see him?"

"You have him?!"

Luffy proceeds to pull the octopus out of his pants and shake it in my face, "See? See?"

"Luffy, no matter how gross that is..." I pushed the octopus away, "This is great that you have it, we can escape with a plan that Jonathan won't expect!" I cheered silently.

"How do you know he won't expect it?" He asked in a childish tone.

"Well, from a little eavesdropping, Marines don't know that Skypiea exists. So they have no idea what dials are, and I'm sure they've never seen an octopus balloon before." I looked at my wrists, small scars lingering on them from when I was burned by Eneru, "Luffy, go up and tell them about the Octopus."

"Okay! Shishishi!"

I walked to the back of the ship and sighed. I didn't have the heart to tell him. 

After I suggested my plan, I remembered how only Nami knows how much using the dial hurt. It completely immobilized Wyper. 

I think If I surround myself with wood and hold my arm still, then only my arm will be injured.

If I told Luffy about it, he would have said no and to find another way or someone else to do it.

Most will think I'm petty for my reasonings, but the reason I'm willing to risk my arm is that 1, I want to shove it in that Jonathan's face for trying to hurt my crew, and 2, I need to prove myself to Luffy. I won't tell him the second reason though, obviously.

I joined the crew on the deck and saw Luffy and Usopp messing with each other and the dials.

"Now then, that just leaves who will fire the dial-"

Everyone was looking at him with evil looks and I sweat dropped. Usopp whimpered and hid behind me.

"(Y-Y/N)! What's with their looks?!"

"Haha, it's ok Usopp, I'll fire it. I have a plan to minimize damage to my body."

Everyone but Luffy looked at me with worry in their eyes.

"Guys, relax, everything will be a-o-k." I gave a gentle smile. That seemed to calm them a little.

"Alright! Let's prepare the Merry!" Luffy yelled.

"Yeah!" We all cheered in unison.


After prepping the sail with Chopper, I glanced over at the Marines. They were aiming cannons at the Merry!

Oh Boy ~ [Female Reader x Various One piece]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن