Chapter 54 - Ne-ga-tive!: Large Luffy

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(Happy late Halloween! I was going to post on the thirty-first but I couldn't get it done :( 

Also, so you know, the bold in this one is (Y/N)'s negative side.)

"I was going to have my zombies grab you by the stairs by the bridge, but I suppose that plan fell through." Pink- Perona said, sitting in a very confident position, as if she wasn't even slightly worried, "Oars was just reborn and he's already a nuisance!" she turned to us, showing her cartoon-like-eyes, "My patience is running very thin tonight."

"It's those ghosts again..." Zoro muttered, watching the ghosts fly around the ceiling, "So it was her controlling them all this time?"

"Looks like it," I said.

"What the hell are those things, anyway?"

The ghosts hanging around Perona left and she jumped to her feet, laughing and putting her hands on her hips.

"Oh my," She directed towards Zoro, "Is that fear I sense in your voice? I wouldn't blame you after what happened last time!"

Zoro almost growled at her, probably remembering something he didn't want to.

Actually, it wasn't just Zoro, Sanji and Franky got upset too. Something must've happened when they made their way to the castle.

"I can create ghosts at my command with the power of the Hollow Hollow Fruit," She explained as she made 5 ghosts, and they slowly flew around her in random movements, "You can think of them as a sort of extension of myself."

'Extention of herself...?'

"They can empty your heart and crush your spirit!" She laughed, "This should be fun! For me, at least!"

"I can't believe this cutie is the one making aloof those annoying ghost creatures!" Sanji whined, not wanting to fight her.

"Save your comments for another time! If we get hit by even one of those things, it's all over for us!" Usopp yelled.

"He's right, we gotta run!" Franky agreed.

"I don't wanna lose my dignity again!" Zoro stuttered.

Before I could react...

"RETREAT!" [Franky]

"EH?!" [Zoro]

I turned to see the other three running, even though we would have to fight her anyway. Instead of thinking about the three who were running, I thought about what her weakness could be other than seawater.

"Negative Hollow!" [Perona]

She sent three ghosts our way, which Zoro and I narrowly dodged, but it was almost like they weren't going for us.

"Guys watch out!" I yelled to the three running.

They turned with not enough time to brace the ghosts phasing through them, leaving me and Zoro standing, but not for long. She sent two more while we were not looking, going through me and the swordsman.

"D-Dammit..." I said, struggling to keep my morale up. I think I got a little used to it after being hit by her in Moria's room, but I still couldn't really move, my body just couldn't.

"I'm dumber than a balloon, I should just deflate..." [Sanji]

"I know bro! I wish a stray dog would step on me!" [Franky, sobbing]

"I should just crawl around on the ground like a worm...! And eat dirt...!" [Zoro]

"S-Stop it, guys..." [(Y/N)]

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