Chapter 102 - Hearts: Biscuit Room

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Also, Tashigi gets too much hate. She's adorable, can use Haki, is a swordswoman, and is capable enough to be a captain in the Navy, not to mention Smoker's right-hand man. )

It's been a few silent minutes in Ceaser's lab, and I'm in a difficult situation. Monet is at the Bar, reading all of her papers that I looked through before, and Vergo is next to the bar, looking at the bookshelf. One wrong move and I'm done.

I would peek out of I could, but I can't risk it. I hope Chopper is taking this opportunity.

I heard the transponder snail ring, and as soon as Monet picked it up, I heard a creepy and stupid laugh.

"Shurororororo! Are you there, Monet?" [???]

"Uh-huh." [Monet]

"I retrieved the children without difficulty. Did you prepare Smiley's food, as I asked?" [???]

'Damn. So what happened to Nami and Usopp?'

"I followed your instructions to the letter, so everything is in good order. As always. The Marines are still stuck in front of the shudders. We can transfer the Straw Hats whenever you see fit. And the video Transponder Snails are on standby outside." [Monet]

"I see. So when my adorable little smiley arrives, we can broadcast the experiment for all of our associates to see?" [???]

"Certainly." [Monet]

"Splendid. Connect me to all of the receivers now." [???]

"Right away." [Monet]

After the call, Monet served Vergo something, and they went back to the center of the room, where the three couches were.

"Perhaps you can tell me what's taking Ceaser so long." [vergo]

I heard the big metal door open then close, and Monet speak.

"Your timing couldn't be better." [Monet]

"Shurorororo!" The new voice laughed, "Hello, Vergo. Sorry for the wait."

'This must be Ceaser. It's the same voice as through the phone...'

"Not a problem. I've been snacking on coffee and cookies. Strange. Did I eat all of the cookies?" [Vergo]

"There were no cookies, just coffee." [Monet]

'What a weirdo...'

"Oh, that's right... I guess I wasn't snacking on cookies. How much longer until the experiment begins? Soon, I hope." [Vergo]

"Very soon. Monet, the video, please." [Ceaser]

"Of course." [Monet]

"By the way... can't you do something about your men? I wish you'd keep them on a tighter leash. Honestly. I broke into a cold sweat when I realized Smoker had set foot on my island." [Ceaser]

"Well. he's like a wild dog. There's no leash tight enough." [Vergo]

"So you say, but I find that Sea-Prism Stone works!" [Ceaser]

I could hear Ceaser's voice fade slightly, so he must be by the cage now, "Oh, Law. You look fetching in chains. So grim. Shurrororo! Well, it must have been upsetting to realize you were helpless against Vergo, right?" [Ceaser]

"The little deal we struck worked out quite handsomely for me. It's always a bad idea to put your trust in others. Well, you reap what you sow, right? A tough lesson for you to learn, no doubt. If you're worried about your heart, Vergo's taking good care of it." [Ceaser]

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