Chapter 90 - Emji's Decision: Departure

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(A/N: I wanted to clear something up, as some people brought it to my attention. Yes, the timeline is fucked. In this story, Roger was executed 15-16 years ago, because when you were three was when your father joined the crew. and unknown to you, a year or so after Roger dies, is when (Y/N) ran away and basically lived with Vivi. I hope this helps!

Also lazy editing, I did this on my slightly older laptop)

"YOU IDIOTS JUST HAD TO KICK HIM INTO NEXT WEEK, DIDN'T YOU?!" Nami yelled at the boys as she arrived shortly after the monster trio saved Shirahoshi. We found out from Neptune that the Mudman stole tons of treasure, and he said if we could get it back then we could keep it.

Nami hit them all harshly over the head and sent them out of the bubble containing Ryugu palace, telling them to bring him back.

A guard came rushing around the corner as Nami gave me a threatening stare, asking if I had let him go, with me vigorously shaking my head.

"Your Majesty! It's Hordy and his crew, their handcuffs came off!" He yelled.

Neptune rushed down and Nami and I followed, entering the dungeon and heading toward the crowd of people. We walked to where we could see inside the cell, only to see Hordy and his main six men in elderly positions. They had all become wrinkly and were gripping about how they were in pain, beards growing on almost every single one.

"What in the world has happened here?!" Jimbei said, I came from the other side and stood on Nami's left, myself on her right.

"That's Hordy and his crew?!" one of the princes said, who had come with Jimbei.

Hordy shakily walked towards the bars of the cell, his form now even smaller than mine, as he was breathing heavily, "You think these bars can hold me?! What a bunch of morons!" He tried pulling on the bars, and looked shocked into his own hands, "I'll... break... them..." He said, clearly struggling while pulling on the bars.

All of a sudden, we all heard a loud crack, and I winced as Hordy fell back and yelled, holding onto his wrist. Another member came to check on him and cracked his back, and him yelling as well.

"Why are they... so brittle?" Fukaboshi asked.

"It's clear," I said, turning to him, then back to Hordy, "That energy steroid you were taking made you stronger, and took years off of your life," I mumbled, still on edge about talking back to Hordy as he gave me an old glare.

"Just as I thought! That Energy steroid is just the same as the pill from inside the Tamate Box! They're one and the same, aren't they?!" The minister of the right questioned Hordy.

"Us, Tamate Box?" [Nami]

"A priceless artifact passed down for generations-jamon." [Neptune]

"The pills hidden inside were highly valuable as well, but 10 years ago someone stole them from us. We couldn't find who did it, but by the King's decision, we closed the case before it became a scandal. Come to think of it, that was when you left the army, Hordy." [Minister of the Right]

Hordy was on the cold cement, panting from the yelling of his wrist, "That's right! I stole it! You idiots!"

"The legendary pill had unclear effects. One theory says it gives you tremendous power. Another theory just says that it makes you old. It is an odd national treasure. I assumed they guarded the power drug closely in order to seal off its dangerous effect." [Neptune]

"You folk opened the box that should not be opened and dreamed a foolish dream of gaining some power-jamon." [Neptune]

"Shut up, Neptune!" [Hordy]

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