Chapter 13 - Luffy? TWICE?!

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"Stop fighting...stop now!..." Vivi said weakly, as Crocodile and Chaka were still staring at each other as if looks could really kill, and both wanted the other dead.

In the current situation, Miss All Sunday has me in her grasp, ready to go somewhere, and the King is still on the wall, but it's obvious she is guarding him. Vivi is crying on a ledge overlooking the main plaza of Alaburna. The fighting has issued.

"Give up. Your voice will no longer reach them." Miss All Sunday said from behind me, intending to talk to Vivi.

"Shut u-" I turned to yell at her, but got a hand in my face.

"Just be quiet Miss Good Friday." Her sweat dropped as I tried to get the hand off my mouth.

Next thing I knew, Chaka fell and the fight was over. He was the bravest person here, second place was the King. He risked his life for his people, which not many rulers do.

"You have to run away Vivi! Get away from him before it's too late!" The King yelled from beside me and I agreed, but my response was muffled by the hand, so I just screamed 'Mhm!'

"I won't," Vivi said confidently.

"VIVI ARE YOU NUTS-" I managed to get the hand off of my mouth for a split second before it was covered again, this time by two hands, one on each side, sprouting from my shoulder.

Vivi accused him of making the dust devil, and Crocodile responded by calling her delusional and grabbing hold of her neck, "I'm tired of your useless idealism. It's gotten pathetic." 

Vivi was gasping for air and I felt the hands disappear from my mouth, but I didn't say anything, I just stared in horror.

I gritted my teeth, trying to muster the courage to say something, anything.

"Crocodile!" I yelled, successfully grabbing his annoyed glare, "You know she could successfully foil your plans, that's why you're taking these measures against her! It's almost desperate!" I tried chuckling to antagonize him, but it was obviously a nervous one.

Normally, I would have had a smile on, being able to talk bad to someone and finally speak my mind, but I couldn't smile. I was so mad, my face physically wouldn't let me.

He scoffed at me and turned to Vivi, which scared me. He always had a comeback, so that meant he was either really mad, or really focused on Vivi, proving my point.

Crocodile held Vivi over the ledge by her neck. Vivi can't die, she won't die. She needs to save Alabasta, that's her goal!

"Y'know, you could've let the Royal Army know about the coming explosion earlier. If so, maybe there would've been a panic, but then you could've saved tens of thousands of innocent lives."

"Stop it! Please, Crocodile!" The King yelled from beside me. I tried yelling, but words couldn't materialize.

"In the end, your plans for saving this country have done more harm than good. Your wretched failures have only ended up hurting the precious citizens, who you love so much!" Crocodile mocked Vivi, and I was getting angrier by the second. It was pointless for me to show it though, because I was in a pretty powerless position.

I think I mistook my fear for anger. I was actually petrified.

I was scared for Vivi, Luffy, the King, the Royal and Rebel armies, and the rest of the Straw Hats. I wasn't even thinking about my life, all I wanted to do was help the others, and not be as useless as I was in Rainbase.

Crocodile was raising his voice and mocking her more. I almost tried to get away from Miss All Sunday and attack Crocodile.

"You both did a decent job spying on our company for the past two years, I'll grant you that much," Crocodile mused, looking at me, then back at Vivi, "All of your worthless ideals you've come to for so long... In the end, they just created more Victims."

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