Chapter 7 - Dance Powder : Firefist Ace

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When we arrived at Alabasta, I had a random feeling of comfort, but I was scared out of my mind. There was a warlord here who wants my head. I had to be as discreet as possible. Well, that was the plan anyway...

"Hey (Y/N)! Wanna join me and go on an adventure and eat food?!"

"I uh..." My voice was coming back, but I couldn't say really long sentences, so I had a notepad in my pocket just in case. "Do I have a choice?"

"Nope! Shishishi!" He wrapped his limb around me and headed for town. I was holding onto the railing, trying not to be swept away again. As he was about 100 yards away, the railing I was holding onto broke, and I went flying into him, knocking him to the floor. He got up immediately and just chuckled at me, running into the desert.


'I would have more luck with even Zoro right now...'

We were in the middle of bum nowhere but technically stranded in the desert.

"Hm. It doesn't look like there'd be a food place here at all..." Luffy said, dumbfounded as I knocked him in the head hard enough for an impact, but not for him to be mad.

"Of course not you idiot! We need to find a town or city!" I said, looking around. 

'Well, where should we look? For a town, or for people?... or maybe-'


As soon as I thought that, Luffy pulled my hand, literally using me like a kite, heading for a small shack by a large formation of rocks. "A-AH LUFFY!"

When we stopped, I fell to the ground next to him as he looked confused at the shack. 

He mumbled about how this doesn't look like a food place. I got up and told him, "It's most likely not a food place..."

Luffy grumbled a little bit then looked back at the house, "Anyone here?!"


"Huh? No one's even here?" Luffy started to look around.

"Maybe they are just not home, or ignoring us." I decided, Luffy nodding at me.

"Oh! Water!"

"Really?" I mumbled at Luffy's discovery, "Someone living this far from a town wouldn't leave their water out for bandits... right?" 

Luffy turned the nob and as expected, no water came out. Luffy looked more disappointed than ever, so I chuckled and went into my small bag. "Here, Luffy!"

He whipped his head around and cheered, 

"Oh! Real water this time! Thanks, (Y/N)!"

I smiled as he drank the whole thing. I wasn't mad about it though, I was just focused on the situation at hand. 

When he gave the canteen back, I was putting it in my bag when he asked me what those bags were. 

'Huh? What bags?' 

I went over to where he was standing and there were about a dozen bags there, all looking to be containing the same material.

I got out the scissors that I use for cutting bandages and opened the bag, Luffy peering closely over my shoulder, "Huh?" I muttered out, not expecting what was in there.

"What's all this green powder?" He started opening all the bags. 

I was stuttering asking him to stop until there was green powder almost everywhere, only 2 bags were untouched. For some stupid reason, Luffy came back to my bag and tasted the powder which he immediately regretted. 

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