★Chapter 1★

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Hi, let me introduce myself. My name is Goddess Emma BloodHeart. I have long night black hair, sparkly teal eyes, that like to change colors when I'm mad. They go to blood red, gold when they hold mischief, and amusement.

I have a big ass, and EE cup breasts, I would say I have a hour glass figure. My skin is the color of freshly falling white Snow, with lips as red as blood. I'm 5'6, I guess I get my looks from my mom, and my height from my dad.

I should tell you I'm also a 12,229 going on 30 year old vampire goddess, which is why my eyes like to change colors. I know your asking yourself how that can be? well let me tell you my story.

I was born between two humans, that for some reason had the vampire jean but wasn't one. I'm the very first vampire on earth, making me goddess and queen. Being first makes me very fast, strong, and very powerful.

I have five older brothers, their names are Brad, A.J., Brian, Joei, and Matthew who I call Matty. Their all a year older then each other, and well I guess you could call them half brothers. We share the same father but different mothers.

I also have twelve uncles I know a lot right, try being the only female with over 78 males running around. Each uncle had his own wife or beloved, and five son's of their own.

So back to well me LOL, being the first of my kind, I grow up faster then humans. By my 6th birthday I looked like a full grown 21 year old. In the beginning I needed blood to drink all the time.

My parents didn't know that but someone did, his name is Michael. You would know him as, The Arch Angel Michael. So anyways when he came down from Heaven, and yes there is a Heaven and a Hell.

So back to Michael when he came down, he told my dad and mom what I needed to live. Know I can eat both human food and blood, the pourer the blood the stronger my powers.

I am able to eat human food but with it I must drink blood. So when I found out who and what I am, by a good friend of mine. Lol who just happenes to be Michael.

He's been there to help my parents then with me, and learning about my powers. By teaching me how to use them. I have mainy powers I can use the elements Air, Fire, Water, Earth, and Spirits.

I can move things with my mind, as well as, read them. I can see into the future, make things appear and disappear. I can make people see what I want them to see and feel.

I can also become invisible, vanish into thin air, and snap my fingers to make things vanish. I found out that all of this well help me in the forucher. When I become of age and stopped growing, Michael showed me how to turn my family.

All but my brothers seeing I made a rule not, to turn people under 21. Seeing when I turn someone they stop aging. Oh I should tell you being the first, makes it that I can walk in the day light.

And those I turn can also walk inn the day light. We found out from a friend of mine from long ago, that when a day walker turns someone they are something different. Something that can only walk in the night.

The first was my friends beloved his name is Vladimir Von Tempish.

Well that's the first chapter of BloodHeart. I hope y'all like it. Please vote and comment. Thanks for reading.

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