Chapter 34

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Lily Potter looked exactly like she died, pale skin with freckles dotting it, auburn hair falling in waves on her shoulder, vibrant green eyes that light up when she smiles and darken when angry.

Her shortness was only noticable when she stands next to her husband, an arm wrapped around his waist while the other gestures wildly in the air, clearing rantting about something she found fascinating.

With a fond look on those hazel eyes, hidden behind a pair of round glasses, and untamed jet-black hair, smiling softly at his wive.

It never fails to bring tears to Harry's eyes whenever he looks at them, well, happy and safe.

"Harry!" Fleamont Potter, Harry's grandfather was the first to notice his presence.

His shout catched the crowd's attention, making heads turn to Harry's way, including his parents.

A big smile broke on the two of them, as they watched Harry approachinh them with hurried steps, smashing into a big hug when he reach them.

"Harry, back so soon?!" his father asked, patting his back aa his mother hugged his side "Have you miss this old man of yours?" he added, smiling broadly.

"Yes, I have" Harry replied, smiling back as he kissed his mother's head "but it's been 952 years since i last visited this realm" he added.

"Oh" was James reply.

"What changed then? Did you finally managed to make that ritual?" his mother asked eagerly, her love for anything magical only coming second to his family and friends.

"Ahh, no. I have been rather preoccupied with dealing with school, plans for the future with my mate and handling paperwork for all of my houses, because, according to the goblins, I have a 'an old soul, so you should be perfectly capable of handling it'" Harry said, smiling a bit at his family whose presence smooth a bit the ached in his soul.

After that, Harry informed his parents of the happenings he had left out during their visit at the Life's realm as well as the development of the after.

"... we spent the rest of the break together and Tom came to his inheritance on today's morning and that's that" Harry finished, eyes darting around.

For all his years living and hidding himself, Harry still can't stop himself from acting like a teen in front of his parents, especially his mother, that's why, the woman could tell that something else had happened which was being left out.

"Harry, happened?" his mother asked with a gentle tone, her face softening as she pull his face closer herself.

Suprise and concern passed through her as she spotted tears silencely falling,

"Oh, my boy!" she immediately pulled him to a hug, one which he quickly return, burying his face on her mother's neck "What happened?" she asked again, rubbing his back in small circles.

Worry quickly spread as the family realized that their last descendant was currently crying in his mother's arms.

"He doesn't want me, mom" Harry answered, voice surprisingly calm despite his clear sadness.

"Oh, honey, why do you think that?" she asked, gently pulling his face from her neck to look at his green eyes, eyes so much like her own and yet have seen far more than she ever will.

"Because he it said as much" was Harry's reply before burying his face at in his mother's neck, basking in her warm and love as he let out the contained emotions, albeit as much as he can feel them to begin with.

A hand on his shoulder let him know that his father was there to support him as well.

When he felt he had cried enough, he stopped, cleaned his face and separated from his mother, even then, the ached in his soul hasn't left, and he wasn't sure if it ever would.

"Now" his mother started "why don't you tell how it happened, properly this time?" she encouraged.

Hearing that, Harry reluctantly did as told, recounting the events that had taken place this morning, from Tom receiving his inheritance to their conversation later into the day.

At the end, Harry's eyes became misty again, the pain in his heart spiking due to the recalling.

"Oh, my son, my handsome son" Lily said, rubbing a hand on his cheek while the other caught his arm "Just because he implied it, doesn't mean he thinks it"

"Just as he doesn't know what the future holds" James finally interviewed, his voice soft as he rubbed Harry's shoulder "I didn't think I would marry your mother, but look where I am now" he added, shooting a cheeky grin at his wife who scoff without heat "Don't give up son, you have the aid of the soulbond, but winning his heart is up to you, just like I did with your mother" he advised.

"Are you sure is not the other way around, son?" Dorea Potter née Black ask, a brow raised elegantly.

"Mum!" James shoot his mother a glare which made the woman smile in amusement at his son's redding face.

"For what matters, Harry" his mother started, attracting his attention "He is right, you have a head start with the soul bound that will appear when you receive your inheritance. Now, if you wish for it to evolve to a romantic bound, you'll have to work for it and earn it" she advised.

"Really?" Harry asked, eyes shinning with hope, the little thing Lily had noticed on her son's eyes when first summon on the new timeline.

"Yes" she told him, even if it eventually led him on, Lily would do everything for that little spark to remain on her child.


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