Chapter 7

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Harry waited and waited until Christmas time arrived, during that time he acted like a normal studant and even when the Headmaster called him to his office to drop hints about the stone, Harry didn't act nor did he acted when the youngest Weasley and Granger went after him.

When he finally received the cloak as christmas gift, he inspected it for any magic on it that wasn't his or the cloak's.

He planted the trackers on his chest and put the cloak on, after that, he went RoR and preformed the Yule Ritual, where one gives a portion of their magic to Mother Magic and in return she blesses you with magic more pure.

Harry waited until late at night before seaking out to the Grinffidor Tower, he said the same password from his past and made his way to Ron's dorm without trouble.

The rat was sleeping peacefully in his cage, the man didn't feel the danger he was in until it was too late and Harry had him already caught and restrained.

Harry looked at the struggling rat for a second before getting out of the room and going back to his own.

He locked the door and put binds on the rat after putting him on the ground.

He, then, cast the reveling spell making the rat came back to his hedious appearance.

"Hello, Peter" Harry said with a voice that made the man shake.

"Ha-Harry" the trembling man tried to approch him, probably to try saving himself by begging.

Harry didn't move nor talked, but Peter started screaming out of nowhere, a powerful cruciatos curse was being inflicted in him.

Only when he was on the edge of passing out did Harry stopped.

"Do not called me that" Harry said, his green eyes flashing a dangerours green so much one would think he had the killing spell in his eyes.

The man cowered under his feet, trying to make himself small and defenseless to somehow try to appease Harry's anger.

Harry only snarled at him before waving his hand a little and casting an imperious curse on him.

Then, he made the man turn back to his animagus form, before putting him in a cage for when he he needs to vent.

After that day, Harry had fun watching Ron getting desperate as he searches everywhere for his rat, he even accused Hermione's cat eating it.

With the cloak in his possesion, it was easy going around and even easier to pass the traps, if you can call them that.

After switch the philosopher's stone with a fake one, Harry went back to his room and started studing its properties.

With the school progressing and Harry not getting involve with the 3rd floor, his year was calm, not like any before, but that calmness was disturbed when he finally decided to do something about the DADA teacher he has.

Harry had long removed the soul piece in him, simply putting it in another container was enough, of course it demanded a complicated ritual as well as lots of magic, all of which he has.

Anyways, he has 50% of Voldmort's soul in his possession, since his first Horcrux contain the other half, he isn't afraid of the man, even without the blackmail material.

It was feburary when Harry made his move.

He waited until everyone left the classroom to approch the man.

"Wh-what ca-can i-i hel-help y-you w-with, M-Mr Po-Potter?" he asked, the stammer was getting on Harry's nerves.

Harry didn't answer, he simply knock the man out, put a strong notice-me-not charm and a levitation charm and left with the unconscious man trailing behind him.

While Harry made his way to the 7th floor, his mind started to wander, it seems being back here is bringing bad memories to the surfice.

Harry stared in desbelieve at the cauldron boiling with a dark purple liquid with some dark red traces in front of him.

Beside the boiling potion, the book he came across on the library was open with clear instruction written on it.

Green means clear of potions and compulsions, purple means there's at least one potion in his system, the darker the shade the more potions one has. Red is for compulsions, again, the darker the shade, the more of it there is.

The potion was a bit difficult to make, it took a whole month with timed ingredients and strict requierments that Harry had to stress about.

But, in the end, he managed to do it, hidden from his friend on top of it.

Unfortunately, for him, the potion doesn't say what potion and compulsion he is under exactly only that he has them running in his blood, magic and mind, but lucky for him, the book makes a reference to another book that has potions which can identify them or to go to Gringrotts to know what he is under and to have them remove.

'I have to go to Gringrotts' he thought, not having the cofidence to find the book or even try making the advence potions in it.

Harry shook himself out of his mind just as he stopped in front of an empty wall on the 7th floor.

He went back and forth three time, thinking deeply about what he wants and needs for the ritual.

The door for RoR appeared and Harry didn't waste time to open it and laying the man down on the already formed ritual circle he had made during his free time.

Each of the Horcruxs were there, minus the diary, in total there was 4 objects in the circle, each of them placed in corners forming a star when connected to the others.

(Harry put the Horcruxs that was in him in box he had especially made to contain it, he already has plans for that little piece)

(Voldmort made Naggini his Horcrux after being risen, that's why i wrote 4).

He had made sure wards preventing dark magic from leaking out of the room were up, after all stiching back a soul together is deemed black magic.

When the ritual was all set up Harry put the unconscious man on the middle of the circle and started pouring his magic to it.

Slowly, the Hocruxs started shining a bit as black smoke came out of them and very slowly made to the center, merging themselves with the main soul piece.

There were painful cries as the man on the center was shaking and scratching himself while Harry focused on pouring his magic and controling the flow of it

Then, Quirrel started changing, well more like breaking in half.

As Voldmort's main soul came out of the Professor's body, the said professor was full on screaming, it was a good thing the RoR has privacy wards and silence charm.

It was on this part where Harry throw another body to the center of ritual. He had to caught a man, preferably a wizard, to serve as a container that will be molded to better fit Tom's soul.

It was well over three hours after starting, when it finally came to end.

A weak looking teen who appeared to be 16 years was laying naked with heavy breathing.

Tom Riddle had come back.


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